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Give and get support around quitting


Begin, begun, be what?

My quit is not going so well. It's all on me and I know that. My drop dead date is still October 1, but I'm going for long stretches at a time without smoking. Doing a lot of soul searching and reading Carr's book. I'm rereading "Why is it so hard to quit" right now. I'll get it done, but sort of embarrassed, and wanted to let y'all know what's happening out here. I'm changing my quit date to October 1 and if I do go 24 before then, I'll change it back. 

Still reading!

43 Replies

Be optimistic? Be optimistic! Thanks for sharing where you are at as you proceed to quitting. 


It's easier to hide and pretend it's not happening. I'm not going to do that this time. I am going to work through this and make it so.


Way to go! Getting obsessed with a date can 'muddy the waters.' Checking into all corners of how-to make your quit yours is a part of quitting. 

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I have read somewhere that "practice" quits (going for longer stretches between cigarettes) for a few days before you actually quit can help.  Sticking to your October  1 date sounds like a good plan.  My advise when that date rolls around is to get rid of everything smoking related - lighters, ashtrays, and especially any  cigarettes.  Treat yourself to something a little special on that day - a nice meal, a mani/pedi, a message, a new shirt, etc.   Plan some activities that are not triggers for you.  My first month, I read several novels.  That was something that I could do for hours without having one thought of a cigarette.  I believe in you!  Best wishes to you and thanks for checking in.  No need to be embarrassed about anything.    


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 


I agree with Jennifer, no need to be embarrassed, you are definitely in the right place

for  support and beginning your new journey of becoming an EX!

43 years of the nasty habit here, and I am now 11 days nicotine free.  The only thing I

am doing to help me is taking Wellbutrin.  It really helps, also makes them taste even

worse than they already do!  Didn't think I'd see the day I'd quit anytime soon, but here

I am!

It sounds like you really want to quit, just a matter of making it happen now.  Count  on

your fellow EXer's here, and you can do this! Read up on everything that is suggested

and you CAN do this!  Oh how I am enjoying the FREEDOM !!!! It feels so good! 

Wishing you well!



Do not be embarrassed!  Many of us have been there.  I agree, get rid of everything when the time comes.  The night before my quit date I literally had to buy a new pack of cigarettes.  So, in the morning there they were.  I hand them in my hand and thought I'll have just one and then throw them away.  I quickly had to put them under running water so they would be no good.  I'm glad I did.  I am on day 27.  You can do it!  Good luck and keep us posted.

Have you thought about using a NRT?  I'm glad I did, because I can tell myself that I don't NEED THE NICOTINE RIGHT NOW!  I just need to change my habits!


I have Nicorette lozenges if I need them. I also have cinnamon sticks (spice, not candy) that allow for the behavioral inhale and leaves a little spice on your lip like a cig would leave a bit of heat. That and water are my main strategy. I quit in May after many years and quitting again is giving me the heebie-jeebies and I can't explain it. I'm a junkie. 


I'm a junky too!  It sounds like a good plan!  We are all here to support each other.  You got this! 

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