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Give and get support around quitting


My quit date is Aug. 5th.

I am quitting 12 hours from now. I go to bed a 9 p.m. every night as I did last night. I am now sitting on my couch at12:30 a.m.  I can't sleep so I am up and doing laundry.  I don't know why I can't sleep?  I think it might be anticipation anxiety.  Is this normal? I know I won't be able to go back to bed and have a busy day at work tomorrow. Has anyone experienced this before?  What can you do for it.

On the bright side.  I am ready to quit. I have my toolbox read everything on this site.  I have been changing routines and haven't much support as I just moved to a new town and don't know many people. I got the nasal spray, fruit, beef jerky, lollipops for my hand to mouth thing. Carrot sticks, pistachio's and one of those new gadgets that you hold between your fingers and it spins.

Anyway, my major problem is staying asleep through the night.  This has happened the last 2 weeks since I have been preparing my quit.  Is this normal and is their anything to do about it. Thank you. Brian.

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9 Replies

It could be. I tried quitting several times by setting a "quit date" and thanks to myself and anticipatory anxiety, it never worked. I quit midway through the day with no warning to myself and no chance of anticipatory anxiety. Once I quit, I stayed fatigued for about 3 weeks. Have you tried any homeopathic or OTC remedies for sleep issues? I swear by Melatonin. If I go a couple nights without sleeping well, 5 mg of those buddies and I'm knocked out until my alarm goes off. Stick to your quit date and get through these next couple weeks and you'll probably see a marked improvement in your sleep. Happy Friday!

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You are probably just anxious.  You might also try warm milk (you can add vanilla and a bit of sugar if the taste is not appealing to you).  I have also heard cherry juice is helpful.  If you can take it, Benadryl has a sleepiness side effect.  As you lie there, try taking slow/deep breaths, tensing then relaxing each part of your body, too.  There are also meditation, relaxation apps available and you might play something from one of them.

If you can, maybe quit tomorrow a bit AFTER you are up?  There is no law that says you have to be quit when you awaken.  You can get your last "fix" and quit after that.

Don't panic over this - you've prepared and have your plan.  You will be fine!


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I think that it is very normal to feel anxious as the quit date approaches, it is also normal to feel some sense of loss or grieving when you quit.  It WILL pass.  Each day of your quit, you will become stronger and you will grow as a person.  We will be here to help you in any way that we can.  The only way out is through and there are no short cuts.  I used NOPE as my mantra at the beginning NOT ONE PUFF EVER.  I said it over and over and over again and I BELIEVED it.  You can do it too.


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It's probably normal anxiety.  But like Angie said, the first few weeks of your quit are exhausting. Seems like I did nothing but sleep then.  Sounds like you are prepared for tomorrow.  Please check in with us to let us know how you are doing as often as you can. 

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Setting a date didn't work out for me, I'd would get too anxious and end up smoking more, the closer my set date was. July 21st 6pm, I decided this is it, I'm done, and just stuck to it. 

No matter how you quit, it will be hard, the cravings will be tempting but don't fall victim anymore. Just be done. Good luck sir and I hope you overcome this.

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Yes - I would say the anxiety about quitting is definitely normal! For me, it turned out that the anxiety in anticipation was much worse than the actual quit! Take the plunge - you can do this! You have got the best support here - so keep on blogging! If you haven't already - be sure to check out the Carr book - 

 "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" - free download -

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Your Addictive Brain (being a part of you) knows you are serious about depriving it of it's precious next fix! Of course it's going bonkers!

Here's what works:

Breathe deeply 3 times paying very close attention to the air as it passes into your lungs and then gets pushed out by your diaphragm. I put one hand on my heart and the other on my solar plexus.

Then go through a head to foot progressive muscle relaxation. 

I have yet to finish the exercise - I fall asleep - no matter how intense the day!


CONGRATULATIONS on your quit day, make the MOST of it!  Stay close to the site when you can and know that we are here to help you in any way that we can.


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Thanks Ellen. I am on morning 2 of quitting. I am finding the mornings very difficult. But, I am getting through it. One day or minute at a time. lol Thanks again for your support I really need it and appreciate it.