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Give and get support around quitting


what's wrong with me???

Good morning to all. I'm new here. I've smoked for almost 50 yrs & have lost count of how many times I've tried to quit. I feel as though I am hopeless & not working hard enough. I thought when I was put on Inhaler, that would b enuf to make me quit. Nope. Starting my 3rd week of Chantix, yet, I still smoke. Can't seem to make it more than 2 1/2 days without nicotine. What is wrong with me???? I feel like if I could figure that out, quitting would b easy.  Thanks for listening to my little rant here.

34 Replies

everyone has given you great advice I used Nicorette gum mint, for three months and the third month was to get off the gum but get rid of all lighters, matches  ashtrays.  im not saying this will be easy, but its worth it your worth it once your free of smoking food will taste amazing  and you get your smelling back good luck sweetie welcome to ex!


 I smoked for 50 years also. This demon cursed called nicotine is part of your life and you need to read yourself of it. This is my fourth Quit and this one took. You have to get to that place in your soul and your heart and in your mind where you say to yourself I am in control of my body.  I will quit because I want to. I made the decision to quit no one made it for me. I have tools at my disposal that I will go to when I’m feeling week when I’m feeling vulnerable when I want to give up. These tools and the many friends here will help me through it. Today I will be a non-smoker and will drawer on every strength I have . 

You can do it my friend. It’s not easy but you can do it


Wonderful response, Ralph!  Well said and simply perfect


Theoutsidr  How are you doing?  Please remember that if you are struggling, it DOES get easier, stay close to the site and let us help you if you need help.
