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want to go have just one-freaking out

I did a blog by mistake,  I just meant to ask for help. I got upsetting news and all I can think about is going out to buy cigarettes and have just one. I am freaking out and can't stop crying. The little monkey is getting the best of me. I have a patch on, have gum, have a vape at my disposal if I want. The monkey is making me crazy. I have 13 days under my belt!!!!!!!# what is wrong with me?

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12 Replies

There’s no such thing as one!!!! You (we) cannot have “just one”. They travel in packs 


There’s nothing “wrong” with you, except that you are addicted to nicotine and you were a smoker. You’re healing from all that. If you go back, after 13 days, you will probably feel sick- dizzy, clammy, head rush. You will reintroduce nicotine and the zillion other chemicals back into your body, just as you’re beginning to reap the benefits of being smoke free. 

Phone a friend. Go for a walk. Sing at the top of your lungs. Eat some ice cream. 

Brush your teeth and notice how clean they are. 

Whatever it it takes to get you through this moment. 

You CAN do this. You’ve proven that by your past 13 days. Keep going!!!! Yes, you can!!! Xoxox


thank you

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Absolutely nothing is wrong with you.  This is all perfectly normal.  It's okay to be craving a cigarette, it doesn't mean you have to act on it.  Smoking will change nothing Tess.  The upsetting news will still be just as upsetting if you were to smoke. You do not want to start back at day 1.


thank you kristen.


Nothing is wrong with you dear.  This is normal for now.  13 days in is great! you do not want to go back to day one for any reason.  Make up in your mind that  YOU will not allow nothing, noone, no crisis, death, divorce, sickness, break up, will  be and EXcuse to smoke. As we progress on this journey and start to reach milestones the addictive brain tries to attack you to make you think you need just one.  .DON"T BE FOOLED!. IT IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.  It is a trick, don't fall for it.  Stomp, Scream, Sing, Yell, Dance, Run, Laugh out Loud.  Tell it to go back where it came from that it is wasting it's time messing with you because, WHY?  NO MATTER WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE YOU WILL NOT SMOKE.  IT WILL NOT MAKE THINGS ANY BETTER.  KNOW THAT! because you are free. Breathe, know that this is just temporary.  You have to go through some humps to get further down the road.  Drink water, munch on what you like.  Read blogs.  stay close.  You are on your way for a breakthrough don't miss out on it. hang tough stay close.  Protect your quit. 

it's upsetting news, but don't allow it to ruin your quit.  Upsetting news will happen again.  Ask yourself, what about this situation do I have physical control over?  what can I physically change?  If there is no answer, you let it go.  figure out your solutions and move on.  We have to relearn how to deal with life without smoking.  Smoking isn't solving anything.  It's just a smokescreen for what is bothering you.  Face it head on.  Embrace this life that god has blessed you with.


Let's pretend....

Okay your uptight, I get it....Now take a deep breath (just like when you smoked) and exhale...

Do it again.....

and again.......

and as many times as it took you to smoke a cigarette....

The only difference this time is that you are not inhaling nicotine, just pure air..



You did exactly what you would have if you had cig....

once again....

DID ANYTHING CHANGE in your current circumstances?

No, and a real cigarette would have made you feel worse than me, trust "us".

I used this exercise when I hit rough spots in life......and each time I finished this (pretend) cigarette I realized that nothing in my circumstances had changed, and I was still NICOTINE FREE and that would put a big smile on my face...

I knew then I could do this...

and SO CAN YOU!!!

Stay with US!!

Miles of Smiles......


Stay the course.

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breathe in help GIF

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