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Give and get support around quitting


trying to do me

Hi, I'm a newbie here, I really hope there's some help for me here.
I'm really trying to stop smoking, but I really have no willpower. honestly I've smoked so long (23 years) I'm not sure I know how to quit. I chain smoke sometimes and I'm not even aware of it, til I realize my pack is empty. watching TV really seem to be a trigger also being on the internet, does anyone else have that problem, and how do you deal with it.
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2 Replies


I remember when I couldn't sit at the computer without smoking at least a half a pack of smokes. You will have a ton of triggers to get past, just remember the end result is your freedom. And let me tell you being free of something that will most likely kill you before your time is worth more than words can say. If I can do it you can to, just want it for yourself!!
Lots of luck!!
My quit began Three Months, Twenty Three Days, 9 Hours and 19 Minutes ago, while extending my life expectancy 14 Days, by avoiding the use of 4039 smokes that would have cost me $760.84.
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Hi momplease - I'm a newbie here too. I've only got as far as setting my quit date. Actually I have quit many times. Been through several classes, some very good, some not so much. I know all the tricks to quitting and I've used all the adjuncts too. Now I just need the willpower and desire. I'm not a chain smoker and don't really have one particularly time when I smoke. Of course stress and boredom are my two biggest triggers. I recently started a new job, stress trigger, and my kids and grandkids moved out about a year ago and now I find myself having no one to take care of, boredom trigger. I don't know how I'll get past those two triggers but I sure know I'm going to try. I wish you luck and hope you'll continue to post your progress. It's nice to know I'm (we're) not alone.
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