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Give and get support around quitting


the more i go the harder it gets

today is day 11 seems like the more time i get the harder it gets anyone else like that?
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2 Replies

Not for me, but I hear the first week or so is hell. Its been about the same amount of time for me, but I wouldn't say its getting harder. Thats why I like the patch, when I get a bad urge to smoke I can pop in Nic-gum or candy. Just keep yourself busy during the hard moments, you'll get through it!! 🙂
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I have quit several times and relapsed so yes, I understand. I think it's harder the more slippery places you are that make smoking tempting. When it gets hard, it helps me to avoid bars and other places that I tend to want to smoke at. I also feel like I've lost a friend. It's weird to explain, but I don't feel like me any more. Just be positive that this will pass and when you get those voices in your head, argue back. Just don't do it in public or people may think you're crazy. 🙂 I have also verbalized those thoughts to a supportive person because I find that they make less sense and seem more ridiculous once I verbalize them out loud.
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