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stress of quitting

Ok, this might sound silly or excuse making, but has anyone else wondered what the shock of quitting may have on a body?

We always hear about the side effects of stress. What if the dangers of smoking aren't as bad as the stress from quitting?

P.S. I think I am safe in saying there has never been a study done on this.
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4 Replies

Interesting....never thought about the shock of quitting to the body.....I do know what will happen to the body if I do not quit. In knowing the latter of the two.....I am more then willing to deal with the shock of quitting to the body....bring it on!
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i can always take a nerve pill for the stress , i cant replace my lungs!!
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Yeah, I don't think there has been a study on this. If so, it would be right up there with the study of using Heroin to relieve boredom at work....or using a lawnmower to cut your own hair.....
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Do you mean physiological stress or physical stress? There are things that your body goes through and, pretty rapidly. Parts of your digestive process becomes dependent on the drugs and become a little sluggish through the initial quit, one of the chemicals in your brain (the one that makes you happy) becomes dependent, too. I think that's why some of the anti-depressants are helpful to some people (like me). Nicotine robs your cells of water and they become hydrated which could give a person a temporary bloated look.

I did some initial 'what am I doing to my body' investigating and only save a couple of links but, here's an article that talks about all of the diseases related to smoking: .

I think that the benefits of quitting really out weigh the stress that you'll put on you body.
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