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Give and get support around quitting


smoking effects the way your medication work

i take a number of psycholgical medication every day and the more i smokee the less effective the medications are and the more symptoms I have,such as delusions parania and i feel the need to settle those symptoms with smoking another cig to seperate me from the symptoms and i have been told by my doctor to stop as soon as i can, but i'm not ready and i should be since I am hearing voices and having PTSD which i also have schizoeffective disorder and feel confused about my life in the smoking arena and i'm trying to be more assertive in keeping my meds in check and exercising. I'm having trouble going to bed real early because my meds are so powerful and cause me to sleep but not rest. i need some advice on how to make sure I'm okay. I can't use the patch or gum or other helpful drugs because they are to powerful with my symptoms. i have a quit date on my birthday, march 30 the and will cut back but it's actually tougher than i thought.

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12 Replies

I agree with cbs to get an electoinic cigarette, Ive upgraded to a mod from one I tired a few years ago...mod meaning bigger battery and tank to hold e liquid, you can choose from many brands, the one I got 2 days ago is from Halo after reading reviews and seeing quality of the site and product I just went for it. I was smoking over a pack a day and now 1 in the am and feel it tastes nasty and smells horrible esp comparing it to an e cig that has decent flavor but now after I eat a large meal afternoon, that is when I struggle and I tell you, I feel I have too much oxygen and increased muscle spasms its scary but yet there is a better cleaner feeling that inches a little thru this process and I feel inclined to keep going, I see it as my body needed time to adjust to the nasty chemicals and smoke and will be a prcess to detox that hence why I have this increase in pain/headaches but Ill try and fush fluids/ water and eat a bit lighter like veggies. Everything tastes funny now anyways foods seem to sweet or salty. Anyone have advice on getting thru this pain and transition I am beginning?

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Have you tried deep breathing exercises for yoga? They seem to calm me down and help when those urges come. Here are some links to check out on how to do the breathing exercises.

Well, here I am at Day 41. Had to share this with everyone. Have you tried these breathing exercises? Get used to them -- they will come in so handy as well as lots of water, lemonade, or green tea - no coffee! - Lowering your blood pressure by breathing - breathing with 4-5 seconds (I do 10 in and 10 out; but this is for the first time user). - breathing using the diaphragm

Breathing is essential for getting the oxygen going throughout the body and esp the lungs if they are clogged.

What exercise are you doing? Walking in my neighborhood is not safe at all, so I do alot of isometric exercises at home (kinda like "warming up" exercises.)

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I have similar fears because of the medication I'm on. I've tried gum, patches, E cigs, lozenges, and the inhalers but nothing seemed to work. My quit date is on the 8th of November and I'm trying to be optomistic of my chances, this time with either Zyban or Chantix.

I hope things have improved for you and hopefully you'll wish me luck on mine.

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