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Give and get support around quitting


smoked 40 years

my wife was diagnosted with small cell lung cancer about 2 1/2 yrs ago. She passed away sept 08. we both smoked. The cancer spread from her lung to her adrenal gland then fatally to her brain stem. It was almost 3 years of Pet scans, brain scans, bone scans, MRI's, chemo and radiation. On and off about a total of 6 months in the hospital, followed by rehabs. 2 1/2 years of living hell trying to keep her positive while knowing statistically her chances of surviving 3 yrs were about 15%. Had she been a non smokers, not doubt she'd be alive today.
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4 Replies

Thank you for sharing this, and I am so sorry for your wife's loss. If I may inquire, are you still smoking?
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i quit for months while being at her side. when her dying became inevidable, i started sneaking cigarettes, but have since quit for 10 days now. I have been struggling with cigarettes my entire adult life. My entire family smokes.

Thank you for your reply and good luck to you.
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aloha pete, your wife sounds like she had a very rough go of it I am so sorry for her and sorry that she is no longer at your side. a group of us just joined here and please know that most of us smoked for 20 to 40 years or so and have been able to beat it and be happy about it. hang tight, once the hard bit is passed it will be smooth sailing. you can do it
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Congratulations on your ten days. If you need a little support in your effort, you might want to check out Nicotine Anonymous - it's free, they have meetings all across the country (you can see if there are any in your area by going to I found it incredibly helpful to be in a room with people who knew exactly what I was going through. I've heard a bunch of people talk about the same kind of thing you're sharing - sneaking cigarettes while a loved one is dying from cancer. It really helps to meet people like you. Good luck!
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