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Give and get support around quitting


screw everything: please read and reply, i need support now!

ok for real...i am at my wit's end and fighting the ultimate battle right now. i was out tonight with coworkers, and my friend from high school is in town (although i didn't see him yet, for some reason that gives me a reason to think i can "party"). yah i haven't seen him yet, but i am looking at everything right now as an excuse to smoke. i have done well, but i set myself back 2 weeks ago after 11 offical days. you know everyone says "good job missy, 13 days! keep it up you can do it!" etc etc, and i SO appreciate the support, but seriously that won't stop me from beating someone up (not literally) for a smoke right now. I want one badly, but i don't want one, ya know? My friend who was smoking tonight when i was with her, yah she kept saying how she envies me, and she was one who gave me a smoke 2 weeks ago without really knowing the status of my quit. Tonight I yelled out my friend's car window at the top of my lungs, i threatened to fight my friends, i said i would jump out at a stop light and reach thru my friend's car window behind us for her smokes, i said i would do whatever it took to get a smoke after i warned everyone not to serve me with cigs...and i always reiterated that i wasn't totally serious, and i wouldn't beat anyone up, or jump thru windows, or any of the other stuff...but i did yell at the top of my lungs thru the window and my friend told me to do it as much as i needed. so i told them if i had email on my phone while we were out i would've blogged so my quitter friends could support me and encourage me in the right direction. now i'm home, i'm a little buzzed, but i'm more thinking about "what i'm missing out on", and believe me, i know it ain't shit, but the little demons in my brain are still making me feel bad, so i'm reaching out to you right now to help me thru this as i sit at home wondering if the gas station across the street is many of my blogs get jack shit as a response...please don't leave me alone now. my birthday is in 1 week and i was just named cheerleading coach at my school...i do not want to have a set back at a special time!
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18 Replies

huh...i'm not sure what i want to say to this.. for someone who doesn't know me at all, nor has bothered to get to know me on this site, you are very quick to make assumptions on how i handle my personal life. Yes all of my blogs talk about alcohol and smoking, but the only time I smoked was WITH ALCOHOL! I never smoked in the morning, when i drove, after eating, none of it. So when i discuss my struggle with quitting it is only related to alcohol. You also should refrain from judging me about being a role have no idea when i drink or when i don't (and please don't ever bring young children into a discussion about my personal choices of whether i have a drink or not, i would NEVER be anything but professional and appropriate in front of my students!). Once again without getting to know me this is what you think only because it's what i've written about. Shall I make stuff up with fake triggers so it doesn't look like i'm just a horrible drunken influence? I am damn good at what I do, I have won teaching awards both local and regional, and my students come to me for more than just class; they know they can count on me whenever they need something. Sorry ass? I hardly think so...and really I would never result to calling anyone names on here...that is not what we are here for...well what I am here for (hence why I am a member of the positive quitters group). Britney Spears, that kinda made me laugh because she has way deeper issues, and quitting smoking is clearly not one of them. I have my shit together, I am a grad student receiving my Administrative certification, I have a good job, a great family and set of friends, wonderful people on here that I speak with as regularly as possible and have a mutual, positive support system with, and except for my occasional tough time with quitting, an optimistic personality. There is nothing self destructive at all in there; last I checked I am successfully going on day 15 of my quit. If you think my going out one night a week to spend time with my friends is destructive, well that's your opinion. If you think all I do is go out and party (yes as i put it) and get completely liquored up every time, well that's your opinion also and you are entitled to it whether it's right or wrong. I am only 31 yrs old, we do still have fun at my age and go out. Hell half the teachers that come out drinking at our teacher gatherings are older than me. Guess you think no teachers are role models then huh? We are role models, but we do have personal lives, drink cocktails, smoke (if they choose), hell some of them even get drunk sometimes. I know, it's crazy! Business men and women, construction workers, doctors, CEOs, judges, none of them ever do that...cmon Lorraine, I really thought based on some of the previous things I read from you that you weren't this person. While I appreciate that you took the time to read my 20 hour old blog (just now saw I can actually close it out), I don't appreciate the personal attacks. If you have actually read my other posts, comments, etc I have been nothing but supportive and encouraging to people, and while I may include my own personal accounts, it is customary as a teacher to identify with who you are encouraging or supporting, so that way they can see that they are not alone and someone has felt or feels the same way they might at that time, and it usually gives a sense of comfort. Never have I ever said or alluded to the fact that I think quitting is easy on everyone else and poor me I'm the lone ranger having a tough time every now and then. You are on day 40 right? So you should know where I'm at on day 14...I don't know if your goal was strictly to attack me with what you call tough love to get me mad at this demon we battle, but i'm sorry, it doesn't work with me..again why i am a member of the positive quitters club. I have made a "friggin decision" already, and that was to quit. I guess I'm the only one on here that has faced a weak moment huh? That's what you make it sound like; like all i do is go back and forth between wanting and not wanting to quit, and that I am so focused on myself I don't care about anyone else...I am guessing there are a bunch of people who might disagree if you asked them what they thought. Anyway, again I thank you for reading my post, and I wish you all the luck in the world with your quit...
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You need to think more positive. I didn't think I would still be nicotine free after a week, considering I had been a smoker for 25 years. Keep you eye on the prize and don't think about what you are missing out on, think about what you will be gaining in life with out a smoke.
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Karen you rock, thanks so much! And actually, I will be doin the jumps! Ha ha! I told my coworkers today I even want my own uniform! lmao I'd so do it too!
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Please don't do it,you will hate yourself in the morning! You need to have a lung capacity to be a cheerleading coach,plus those girls are looking up to you !! You ARE stronger then that! I'm 5 days away from being 5 months smokefree and I feel SOOO much better,you need to get occupied when you start thinking about it.Right now it's late,just get in bed and crash out,tomorrow will be a new and better day minus the booze!
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oh yah, i posted that last fri. i felt kinda stupid sat for freaking out so bad but you know what sometimes it just has to happen and you gotta ride it out. i did, and i didn't smoke, and i had a great weekend because of it! my bday is this weekend and as always friends like to buy bday drinks, so i know it might get tough but i am prepared!
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Try seeing yourself cheering with a smoke hanging from ur mouth. Not very cool. I ask myself. If I give in to this urge to smoke. Whats next? I really want to quit for good. Think of how you will feel after smoking that cig. You can do this.
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That's a powerful video. Thank you seriously, it's good to see as a reminder!
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Can tou reach for nicoret gum and calm yourself? this is one of those times you need to part company with the trigger so you can gain your composer!! you have done wonderfull now do what you have to do to stay quit, You will be somuch happier if you do ! tske controle dot let it controle you! best regards marthaa
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you go gurl!! it gets tuff, but do what you have to do to stay a quitter!!
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