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Give and get support around quitting


recognizing my dis-eases deception

I have been writing abstract thoughts in the mornings, just a paragraph or two, it seems to help bring into the light that which has formally been living in the dark-- (My nicotine addiction's subtle deceptions that keep me in bondage and denial) This morning I wrote...  Morning cravings are powerful. I was willing to die for, and sacrifice life for a cigarette. Last night I kept waking up. During those times I had what seemed to be thoughts of total clarity of confusing experiences from my past. After being awake for a time, I realized they were my egoic/addict in abject terror of the unknown. My conscious actions to quit are threatening to it, and it is trying to push back with very vivid, clever, and cunningly deceptive memories. The fallacy is revealed.

8 Replies

waking up is stressful but empowering.


I concur- today. For the first time this quitting is a positive thing. Thx


Welcome a'board!  Morning cravings ARE powerful.  It's the time we have the lowest amount of nicotine in our systems in any 24 hour period AND the start of the day's addictive routines and behaviors.  "Abject terror of the unknown" - that's why education is so valuable during this journey.  When we gain the knowledge of the why and wherefore, we gain a clearer picture and the unknown becomes the less scary "known."  The fallacies continue to be revealed as we move forward.  Stay wise!


"And the start of the days addictive routines and behaviors"  That's where I need to look.

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I suggest you read JonesCarpeDiem‌'s blog that I have linked here /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months  It is very helpful, I read it over and over again when I first quit.  I also read blogs every day and saw where other people were in their quits and paid attention to how they got there.  I read, I commented, I wrote blogs, I asked for help, and I LISTENED!.  You can do this...there could not possibly be this many members on this site if it was impossible to quit.



darnPainter‌ Good for you...the journey to freedom gets easier as you recognize the power of the addiction and the terrible things that it is doing to you.  Quitting smoking is the best gift I have ever given myself...we are here to help and we all want you to be successful.


Real clarity is a hard won and well worthwhile part of Nicotine Recovery. It never ends as long as you travel the road of Smobriety combined with self reflection. I still learn from my Recovery Journey 7 1/2 Years later. Your journey presents many challenges especially in the first 2 Years but each challenge has tenfold gifts to body, mind, and spirit - there for the claiming! Persevere! It get easier every day that goes by and you will be rewarded beyond anything you can imagine!


"That's where I need to look."  Yes.  Behavior modification (in small increments) is a good place to begin.