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"What If We're Wrong About Diabetes?"

9 Replies

Wow, we need more compassionate Dr.s like Peter Attica

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Doctors are so locked into what was drummed into their heads. Western medicine treats symptoms, not causes.


Well a large part of the problem, in my opinion is poor diet.  I have never really been overweight but was knocking on the door of being overweight a few months ago.   I have lost about 15 pounds and am now midway in the weight range for my height. In today's society, most people eat out at least once per day.  Really hard to do that and eat healthy.  It is all about choices.  A McDonalds quarter pounder w/cheese, large fries, and large drink is 1,570 calories - that is more than I need for an entire day.  I do believe that some people's weight problem is caused by insulin issues - but certainly not all.

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What I heard him say was he exercised 3-4 hours a day and ate correctly and he gained 40 pounds and became insulin resistant?

That is/was the normally accepted reason for diabetes. 

He also said there are a lot of underweight people who had diabetes and a lot of obese people who didn't.

The curious part to me was the cellular discussion about glucose, how the glucose is turned into fat cells to store the extra glucose in some and not others and how he feels there is something serious underlying why it's different for different groups of people and that we haven't discovered that secret yet.

I found it fascinating.

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It is interesting Dale - my last line did say that some are affected by insulin resistance - but diet does count.  I have to watch my carb intake - I don't eliminate carbs but try to choose healthier carbs.  It really is about finding what works for you.

I get it.

I like getting to the underlying cause of things.


Wow he's one very caring Dr I'm glad you're shared this I do believe healthier eating and exercise can help keep diabetes at bay along with high blood pressure and so many other health issues and of course not smoking has so much to do with our health as well....


HE needs to be in practice - not research. Too many out there like the "before" model!

Very thought provoking ideas, too.  I will listen for their research results.


Thanks for sharing the video with us.

This is an article on sugar substitutes and glucose intolerance I found it is an interesting article to read.

I had routine blood work at my primary clinic because I am a diabetic type 2 and the nurse called me today and told me my kidneys are struggling now.