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Give and get support around quitting


"Re-Learn Live Without Cigarettes"...PERIOD !!!!!

Hello newcommers...this line is printed on a banner on the top of the page. That's what this site is designed to life WITHOUT cigarettes. If you smoke anything is not our is NONE of our business.
There will be people here who give you a "canned welcome" to this site, and express how smoking is smoking...this person even knows of people who smoke banana peels...and does not approve ot THAT either !!!

There is much support, strength and friendship here on the EX site, to help you quit the nicotine addiction.We CAN help you, if you let us !!!

Good luck !!!
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69 Replies

we get 45 bumps
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Hi Sharon ! Welcome ! Nice to meet you!
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I am looking forward to statistics close to this WHEN I reach my quit date. =]
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Welcome to all newcomers!
We are so glad that you decided to join us.....a community all with the same goal.....TO QUIT SMOKING! You are making the best decision you ever could for have the freedom to make decisions not based on cigarettess. We all have experiences that can contribute to helping you through your quit, if you so choose. We are all here to help one another with understanding, love, and excitement! Your success is our success! We are silly, we are serious......we are empathetic, we are tough, we will give you suggestions, but we won't judge. No matter what......we do everything out of sisterly or brotherly love. You will find you have more strength than you ever thought you had and you will have more confidence in yourself. You will take your POWER back! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE......USE WISELY YOUR POWER OF CHOICE! Join us, and you will take a journey that will change your life!
And....Congratulations on taking the first step towards a Smoke Free Future!
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Me too, Kyle! I want to know how much I save in terms of money and health. What would you buy with $829.54?
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How cute, well that is what it is, one exercise after the next.
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Hi all, I am a 48 year old who has smoked for over 30 years, I am doing the ex plan and have chosen oct 22 as my quit date, that is my birthday, happy b'day to me''', I know it won't be easy, my husband is a smoker and will not quit, he also refuses to put the ashtrays away etc. always did have to have things his way, but I will not let that discourage me, I will quit, Help,'''' I could use all the support and encouragement You all can muster up, and a laugh or two wouldn't hurt either.
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Celebrate Freedom

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free free let them free........sing along!!!
it feels so gooood to be free of the cigs!
31 days now, you can all do it, no excuses, none whatsoever!! good luck all!!!
hard work, so, so so, worthit, aren't you?

Karen, glad that picture is gone forever, lol!
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Hi Karen, a good laugh never hurt anyone that I know of, but I notice that no one can laugh without a smile on their face! Going to the doctor tomorrow to get my script for chantrix, wish me luck.
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