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Give and get support around quitting



I am stoping tonight when I go to bed and I am getting nervus about it. I have smoke for 36 yrs. all my life is around smoking, everything!!!




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4 Replies

Welcome!  I see that you have already found the Blogs.  That is where we all hang out as you can see because you had many replies to your Blog and none here.  I would suggest that you fill in the about me part of your page so folks can relate to you easier.  I was another one of those hard core long time smokers and have been Quit for more than a year.  It is possible.!

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One of the hardest parts is deciding your going to quit and then following through with day one.  You can do it!  And you are going to feel so proud and strong each hour that passes and you don't give in!  Good Luck Tomorrow!!

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Johnbotkins you will be able to do it. I was a smoker for 36 years. It will be a year on March 21 that I quit smoking. You have to really want to do it and you will be able to get through it. Just think of all the money you will save and like moving2fla said you are going to feel so proud of yourself. I know I am proud of myself. I never thought I would be able to do it and look at me now. It is almost a year. Good Luck to you, I hope you have the willpower to get through it. You should go on a website named ( and listen to these videos with Joel. He gets you through the first 2 weeks that is what I did. It really worked for me.

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Smoking is a huge part of your life because you are a nicotine addict.  Won't it be nice to break the addiction and not let your life revolve around when you can smoke?

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