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Give and get support around quitting

needing each other

i just had a thought and it really helped me hope it will do the same for some of you, when ever someone reaches out and asks me for advise or support it helps me be stronger and how could i sneak or not quit when all these people are depending on me, needing each other is the greatest non smoking drug there is.what do you think?? bobbie
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12 Replies

Very cool thought, Bobbie. I like it.
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thanks jennie that mean a lot to me, bobbie
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I think you all are right......
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My Ladies have a whole slew of "cliche's" going thru my head.....

YOU GOTTA GIVE IT AWAY TO KEEP IT.........................(AA)

IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT............(CUZ YOU'RE WORTH IT).....................(NA & AA)

There's a reason for these sayings....they work. When you help someone else, there's a validation process that goes on in your head. Don't over-think it...just know that it works !!!

And the newest one, thanks to the movie, is one I love.......YOU GOTTA PAY IT FORWARD
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I think you all are right......
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Helping others has two big benefits. First of all, you are helping yourself by furthering your committment with the words that you type. Secondly, it feels really good to know that you may be helping to save a life!!
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Hell yea! I think every person who has responded so far helped me when I first started! It is a feeling of well-wishing and delight in others...translation? LOVE!!! You are all awesome, wonderful, supportive, non-judgemental, non-smoking tributes to what this is all about. It is an honor to be here, and an honor to pay it forward.
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True, success breeds success, and the best revenge is helping another addict quit feeding the poison to theirself, and quit feeding the companies our money.
Best to Ya, '
RJ ...Free at Last
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Are ya'll going over to the new site much? I just don't have time to learn how to navigate it right now. I should go and say hi to everyone since I haven't been over there in a couple of weeks.
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