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Give and get support around quitting


my life sucks

This may sound wierd but I'm quitting because I can't deal with all the bitching from my wife and kids. What makes it tougher is that I'm self employed and there has been no work in months, no jobs available, debt up to my ass. I'm looking for work a maybe a job with another company but all I keep getting is that I'm overqualified for everything I'm trying for. (apparently there is nothing out there yet that I do qualify for) Y'know if cancer would kill me quickly I think I'd just smoke alot more, but alas the thought of lingering in a hospital with lung cancer (no I don't have it but it would be just my luck to get it) anyway, I don't know why I'm telling a bunch of stranger this but I've got no one else to talk to...
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26 Replies

Steve, Things will start to look up for you I'm sure!! You will never be able to quit if you dont do it for YOU!! I Quit for ME and my son who is 4 (I dont want him to grow up thinking its ok) Also for my boyfriend (who doesnt smoke and loves me to much to watch me slowly kill myself) HOLD ON scratch that last little bit!! I didnt do it FOR THEM I did it FOR ME and they are some of the REASONS why I wanted to quit!! If you really dont want to do it then it probably wont work for you when you try to quit~!!!
I'm sure things will start to look up for you with work.... Hey at your next interview when they tell you your too qualified for he job tell them you NEED IT!! Be honest with others and they tend to help you out! Thats what I find anyways LOL I kinda feel like I'm blabing now so best of luck with everything!!
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I've gotta tell you... I'm smoke free for about 3 1/2 months. It wasn't easy, except for quit free buddies who were there for me.

I suffer with severe COPD. I am on oxygen therapy. I just spent 4 days in the hospital because my blood oxygen level went down to 75%. Even after I had quit.

Anyone want to tell me why they can't quit should be in my shoes. I hear your pain. You should feel mine before it's too late. The sooner you quit the easier it is. For me 40+ years later was impossible. Now I'm trying to stop the effects. I know I can't smoke again. Doing so will simply mean death.

Am I being blunt enough?

Listen to me. Please don't let yourself suffer. Think of your family and children.
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Another option is to tell them if you are so over qualified, you would be applying for his job! This worked for someone I know. She got the job.....
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well, I'm still alive...things have changed a bit. I still have my own business but now it's part time and I'm working full time for the county. benefits are great but the pay sucks. anyway they have a quit smoking program that's free to employees and I signed up....what the hell
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Yay Steve!!
I am so glad that you are ok and doing better. I am so sorry if I offended you, I never meant to....I was trying to help in my own way but I guess it wasn't the best. I've been feeling badly ever since you left and kept hoping you would come back to the site. I am so glad that you have decided to do this!! FANTASTIC!! Congratulations on taking the first step to a smoke free life!!!
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Ohhhh yes, thoughts "do" become "things". I tried to explain that to another EX member whose posts were all about how shitty things are... and I suggested she try posting something that was more optimistic... so far she hasn't been able to do that. But, wow, what a difference it does make when we decide to take control over our thoughts and subsequently our lives! Good advice!
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o what the hell.....You might try the company's stop smoking program

if Nothing changes,,,,,then Nothing changes.

I don't know why you are quitting or why you seem to fight not voluntarily poisoning yourself .... with a crappy paying job cant you at least find a better way to spend your money than on crap that makes you smell and look like crap and trys to kill ya reallllllllly slow or at least as long as insurance keeps paying?

Instead on thinking what you might give up and lose from your life it might be easier to think of other things that might replace it that can make you happier and enjoy life a little better.

God made you special and you have a special purpose to fulfill before the endtimes.... so figure out a way to tweak your attitude into the most positive attitude you can muster and defeat this demon once and for all...

peace !
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