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Give and get support around quitting


my 10th time tryin to quit

its more than t0... i lost count... but this is the first time im using any kind of support system. i always tried cold turkey, or just slowing down on the smokes, but nothing work... hopefully this will

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2 Replies

Hang in. You know how fast time flies? Well it doesn't as you are going through withdrawl but before you know it it will be a week,a month,two months and so on.It doesn't matter how many times you have tried.Put the previous tries behind you. Yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is a promisory note. Today is cash in hand. Lets spend it and enjoy today smoke free while we can.Worry about tomorrow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tomorrow.Anyone can quit for just one day.The days will get easier but be strong today.Don't go for the 1st one.

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One day at a time, just like AA.  No disrespect to that fine group intended:)

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