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mental side effects of zyban (wellbutrin) vs chantix

I have used zyban and had horrible MANIC side effects! I was a total looney tune! Couldnt settle down, couldnt sleep, always mad and going off the handle in ways I never imagined before! I was told its because its an anti depressant and I wasnt close to depressed. I was wondering if there were any similar mental side effects like these with Chantix? Also what the side effects in general are?
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2 Replies

I had the exact same experience with Zyban. Yes, it's due to the anti-depressant properties. I also had "electrical shocks" running down my arm. Its a rare one but I got it. lol I find that Chantix is much easier to tolerate. I am staying up very late these days and it tends to make me a anxious at times. It's without a doubt a miracle pill though. It's crazy how well it works. The side effects are broad and individually based. The popular one is nausea. Battle this with eating before you take the pill. Again, side effect depend on the person. It got to the point where I had to adjust my dosage myself. Since doing so I am much better. The insomnia is killing me though. To answer your other question, Zyban, for me, effected my mental state worse than Chantix. Chantix does have its days in the gloom though. At times I could tear the room apart for no reason. This is why its so important to journal/blog/talk. It's proven to be a very valuable resource for me.
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If you are one to trust the FDA, here is the official word from them on their web site:
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