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medine? Chantix or wellbutrin?

I am new and i am wondering if anyone here used either chantix or wellbutrin to quit smoking?

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11 Replies

Personally, I've used both for different quits.  The results were the same ... I quit smoking while using them BUT everybody is different just like every quit may be different (my first quit & this one were not the same for sure but no matter how easy or hard does not determine the outcome).  Since they are both prescribed meds I encourage you to work closely with your doctor on your quit smoking plan which may include a prescribed med.  He/she knows your medical history & would be monitoring you and can be one of your biggest cheer leaders (mine certainly was!).  The methods we use to help us quit are still "tools"; the work of changing ourselves in order to reach the peace, serenity, and continuous gratefulness needed for a long term Stay Quit is still up to only ourselves.  It's doable and worth everything it takes to become & remain smoke free.   Best Wishes. 


Hi reporting in from Canada where the proprietary names for these prescription drugs are different so for clarity sake I will call them by what they are  what you call Chantix is varenicline tartrate, what you call Welbutrin is Bupropion Hydrochloride.  In Canada it is recommended to try NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) before trying the meds.  Varenicline and Bupropion operate in different ways, both were initially developed as anti-depressants, and both of them can have serious side effects. And with both of them you still have to use self control. I am currently using Varenicline which was prescribed by my dentist (dentists can prescribe anti smoking meds in Canada because of oral health concerns) and with the packet comes instructions. Also that if you have any problems to contact pharmacist. Which I did. And I spoke with pharmacist and now instead of taking 2 whole tablets each day, I take 1/2 tablet.  I had bad nightmares, heartburn, dry throat and mouth, constipation. insommnia. you name it.  But some of these effects were nicotine withdrawal effects too. It is hard to untangle withdrawal from side effects of meds.  Now I drink tons of water and like I said only on 1/4 of the recommended dosage. Tomorrow is my one week smoke free date!  I also like the low dosage becasue, if you are on these meds the nicotine receptors in your brain don't die. And a lower med means that more of them die and this is what I want to happen. You really should talk to your Dr. or Dentist and a Pharmacist too. to talk to a Pharmacist you don't need to make an appointment. check this out..... there is lots of info online for both of these chemicals. What is the Difference Between Zyban and Champix?  Zyban is Welbutrin. (in Canada and UK)

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