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Give and get support around quitting


just smoked the last one

and my brain is screaming for another last one. I don't have the money for the medicine either but I think I will be fine. Is it true that the nicotine is flushed from your system after about 3 days? I'm pretty sure i'll be fine if I can get passed the physical addiction.
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5 Replies

I cant add anymore to this discussion other than to say" if you dont smoke right now, you never have to smoke again coz it is always right now!!"
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I haven't quit yet but my quit date is June 1st.

Drink LOTS! of water. That will help flush the nicotine from your system. Take deep breaths.

You can do this!!! We all can!
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It seems like divine intervention, but a lady at community service today gave me a pack of nicorette because she didn't want it. So now i have been using the gum. Its been good, I haven't started fiending like crazy yet.
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2 wks for me today, cold turkey, it's the thinking of them that is killing me. I don't really crave them now but I do think about them.
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I'm using the patch to ease the physical w/d I'm having. Going through it 'cold turkey' isn't a good idea for due to other circumstances, but i would rather just get it all out of my system as soon as possible. I can tell you however, that the withdrawals I'm experiences don't seem to be THAT much different than most other people here. That alone tells me that most of the addiction is psychological. The hardest part for me has been not lighting up at all the times I usually would. At first, even though I'm using the patch, I was experiencing all the stuff you are talking about.

Most of the last 2 weeks has been JUST NOT LIGHTING UP when I usually would. And then my addiction started telling me in subtle ways that I should start smoking again. Last night I kept getting "Your life is so boring now that your not smoking". I just have to laugh at that because it is soooooooooo absurd! And then I was okay! Chewing gum and sucking on straws has really helped me a lot. Especially the straw! I just go through the physical act of smoking once or twice and then I'm absolutey fine. I swear it works! For the anxiety and depression, I get a lot of exercise! And hanging around here helps so much too. Especially when you can help some one who is at the same place you were at just a few days ago. It's amazing how much helping someone else eases my own cravings. Doesn't make a lot of sense, but it works for me!

Hang in there! You'll be just fine. I promise. Just wait and see!
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