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Give and get support around quitting


i relapsed after a year non smoking

A certain friend is the nervous type and chain smokes i allowed him to stay a week and i relapsed.its happen in the past around this person.

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Just thinking out loud ...

If I was a year into my quit, (I remember those latent, sneaky cravings,) and I was going to have over a friend for a week that smoked, I just might wonder if it would be a good opportunity to give myself permission to have a smoke or two.  For old-time's sake, because there's a defined window for stopping again; I can't wait 'til my friend gets here.

If I was a real friend I would share the joys of improved health, freedom, and the incredible $$$ savings of quitting smoking; challenge him/her to quit for the week they're staying with me; not secretly hope they offer me a smoke.

A real friend of mine, if they wouldn't join me in my achievement, would understand if I asked them to smoke outside, (while I stayed inside.)  I am an addict.  The same excuses and pleas lurking in my mind will be excusing and pleading when my friend is gone; even stronger if I give in, (again.)

I am an addict.  I can't undo that.  But I can choose whether or not I am a smoker.

Two sets of seasons


How about you just quit again, as soon as you can?  You know how to do it, get back on track and you'll regain your self-esteem!  As for your friend, have an honest conversation and make clear you have objective, and you need respect.

You can do it!

It's not that persons fault Traceylyn. Just sayin.

Keep on keepin on,


traceylyn‌ I am so saddened to read this, so saddened that you smoked, no matter what, no matter how long you had been free.  This "friend" of yours cannot smoke in your home and you cannot allow it, I think you would be better off cutting the ties with him until you feel as though there is no chance that his smoking will become yours.  DO get back to your quit as soon as possible, before more damage is done to your body and to your resolve.

I commend you for coming here and telling all of us...I do wonder why you have not been here more often.  Coming here is food for your quit, reading blogs, commenting, seeing how others are doing.  Your quit was clearly starving.   We want to help, not make it harder.




I wish I had some magical words that were going to make you feel better. I don't. 

I wish I could say you will never do this again. I can't.

I wish I could say you will quit again forever. I can't

But you can achieve anything YOU put your mind to. If you want it, it will be.



Your friends are friends but your quit is your BFF life.  Which is more important? 


The lure of the cigarette-- all the happiness, pleasure, comfort that it promises to deliver, is nothing more than a trap. Because this is an addiction, the best way out is to start again and put your smoking in the past. 

I smoked cigarettes for a long time--but it was always an addiction. I'd smoke three butts right off in the morning to catch up with my nicotine need. Then I'd taper off to every 40 minutes, then I'd "control" my smoking for the rest of the day. I couldn't wait for the next cigarette, it was always on my mind. Today, I am so relieved to be free of the addiction, free of wanting the next cigarette (the price is eternal vigilance and that's ok with me). I've learned about the addiction, I've accepted that it is my responsibility to say no. It wasn't easy to start and I've had a few dark moments but the more time that passes, the further I get away from the addiction. Yeah!!!!

Look for recovery from this addiction and you will find it.


As hard as it may seem, we all have to distance ourselves from temptation for as long as necessary to maintain our quit.  No scolding here - because I have been there, done that.  Get started again - your activity on this site is just about non-existent.  This place and the people here can be your #1 source of advise and encouragement - but you must use it for it to be effective!  Pick a quit date - not too far off - read and prepare - and quit!  We will all be here for you!


Oh I do feel so bad for you I have come close a few times in this 2 year quit and I know how bummed out I would feel if I had given in to it ! I live with a smoker and she smokes in the house and in the car with me sure it is harder but as you know it is doable . I had to quit 4, 5 or 6  times before I got to this quit which I hope and pray is a forever quit day at a time .As Pops said above we are addicts and need to protect our quits  ! Get yourself ready  read about the addiction again if necessary, build up your enthusiasm to quit  ,set a quit date and get your freedom back !   So glad you are here ! sayings quit smoking joke.jpg

Laughter is good medicine for the head and heart !