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Give and get support around quitting


i’m scared

I have been reading some pretty frightening things about vaping recently. I have wanted to quit for a while but seeing things like someone dying from a vaping related lung disease is just so horrifying and makes me want to get rid of it immediately. I want to quit for my health and my happiness and my endurance. I don’t want to be tethered to nicotine every day and night. I am currently on day 2 of not hitting my nicotine salts vape and I definitely think the withdrawal has started to hit pretty hard. I’m already a very anxious person, and this has not been helping. My anxiety has been at an all time high the past week or so. I got sick on Wednesday night which is what made me start to hit it less, and I eventually decided I should just take the opportunity to quit now. I’m 21 and have been smoking nicotine for about 3-4 years now and am so ready to be done. I don’t want to keep allowing this addiction to worsen my anxiety and depression. If you have any advice or overall encouragement it would be so greatly appreciated!

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6 Replies

Again ... Hi and Welcome to Ex’s mireya223 I wrote on your other blog post some suggestions to get started on your quit...please just ask for any and all help...~ Colleen 274 DOF 

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Well, is it day 3?


Yup! Still haven’t vaped. Woke up feeling a little bit less nauseous today, although still lazy and groggy.


Get out for a walk, or get moving, it'll help knock off that groggy feeling. 

Remember, "this too shall pass"

Congrats on day 3, the nicotine has left the system (you no longer have nicotine in your system)!


That’s really exciting honestly! Thanks again for your support, it’s very appreciated. I’ll try to get moving today.


I totally understand where you're coming from! I smoked cigarettes for 7 years and then switched to vaping, thinking it was "safer." Now I know it's not, and I'm currently quitting vaping for the same exact reason. I think that honestly, taking some mental health self-care days could be the key for getting through this (for both of us--I also have chronic depression/anxiety, which is why I started smoking in the first place). I've also started a quit journal to keep reminding myself WHY I want to quit, and also to unravel any anxious/depressive thoughts I'm having.

In any case, I think this is a good site to use to vent and get support because everyone here is doing the same thing: getting away from nicotine. You got this, we got this, and we'll all be better for it in the end. Good luck and congrats!