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Give and get support around quitting


how hard is this going to be

i am 24 hrs in what should i expect or be looking for

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15 Replies

Hi msmatty! I lost a 67 day quit in March 2019. It took me a bit to go for it again, but here I am on day 4 of this last quit. There are challenging moments, but it's totally doable! I have been coming to this site a lot when feeling increased cravings. I think I learned a lot from my mistakes last time!

So far over the past four days, I have experienced some side-effects from the smoking cessation. I did experience quite a bit of fatigue initially, but today I felt pretty good! From past experience, I imagine fatigue might come and go a bit, but I'm trying to counteract this by eating healthy foods and taking care of myself!

Another symptom I have experienced at this time have been absolutely crazy dreams. I have been going to bed a little earlier since I don't have to spend my evening smoking, smoking, and smoking! Unfortunately, this means I have been waking up super, super early, whether I want to or not. Not too fun. 

During my quit last year, my complexion got super bad, I coughed up all sorts of stuff, and my gums began to ache. So, those are things I am expecting to happen during this final quit. However, any of these side-effects from quitting smoking are pretty time-limited compared to the long-term effects of smoking cigarettes...which include poor health outcomes, a depleted bank account, social stigma, and daily personal regret! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!


I was fatigued as well and my gums were bothering me too.  Still are but not to same degree.  Did your ever get better at some point? Thank you!

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Honestly, I lost that quit before it ever got better. Now I am almost 6 days into this last quit and am looking forward to getting all of those toxins out of me so that I can move on to living a better life. It was a pretty rough day with some pop-up urges, but stayed committed to my pledge.

I have been thinking a lot about Thomas3.20.2010's comment below, that whatever side effects we encounter in this journey, they "are really the side effects of smoking!" NOPE!

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Please remember that all side effects of quitting are really side effects of smoking! That helped me to take it one day at a time knowing that with time it gets much better than an addicted smoker can feel! It's worth it. 


Very important to keep a sense of humor about you when you quit.  We tend to get very myopic and SERIOUS about it all.  Yeah, it's tough, but humor helps give us a view from a different, very needed, perspective.  This is not the end of our lives (as we sometimes morosely think), it's the beginning of a new life.  One that's quite amazing, actually.  You won't understand that until you get there, but trust us - freedom from this bugger is truly awesome!

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