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Give and get support around quitting


hi people

so- i haven't been on here in roughly three weeks to a month... i had to send my computer in to Dell and got it back in the middle of the week last week- in which i was on vacation (longer than the three day weekend) went to the e.r. sunday night to have a cyst drained in which i have to go to a REAL doctor's office tuesday to get it checked out- then monday i had ALL FOUR wisdom teeth pulled and i've pretty much been doped up (on prescription medication) since 11:30 monday. so i'm back now and should be on atleast once a day from now on considering on if i have to get surgery to remove the cyst and blah blah blah. i missed all you guys though!
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5 Replies

oh yea, i forgot to mention- i've kept my quit up! well, i broke down one day and had two cigarettes... but that was about two weeks ago and i haven't had one since
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congatulations and welcome back
You are a good example of how to keep a quit up.
You have been through a lot, and I hope all will be well now.

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yea, i have been SO scared of getting dry socket- i've heard the horror stories and it has definitely stopped me even if i was THINKING about getting a cigarette. though i think it's infected and it stinks... stinks a lot. any suggestions on how to keep the pain at a minimum?
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I agree with Karen -- I used to be a Dental Assistant a long time ago. Dry sockets should be treated, more than likely with antibiotics...Call your Dentist. Way to go on two weeks Leanna!! Yes, smoking does make dry socket worse...Keep on keeping on and hope you feel better soon!!
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lol i went back to my dentist and he said i was still just very sore... thanks "moms" lol. and thank you ms. cindy i love veggies... well, do potato chips count? haha
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