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Give and get support around quitting


divert frustration

I am a wife of a smoker. He has been trying to quit off and on for several years. I realize that this is one of the most difficult tasks anyone can take on. My question is how to redirect him when he tells me I am the reason for his not quitting in the past.  I have drive him nuts. To add to his problems he is disabled,  has chronic pain and other health issues. Do any of you have any suggestions to diffuse his anger with me? I try to leave the room, which just makes it worse. I know he is frustrated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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31 Replies

That is amazing! You guys should be proud of yourselves for getting through 3 weeks of a quit. I know I'm proud of ya's. 

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Three weeks quit - wow!  Pat yourselves on the back!  Hope your husband keeps feeling those benefits and it leads to getting out and doing something different.  

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