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Give and get support around quitting



So, I'm going to share a bit of my back story.

When I care for a friend, I'll do anything for them. In middle school, at around 13, I started smoking. I guess you could call it peer pressure, but I was also very stressed a majority of the time because I was battling the fact that I'm gay.

So, two years later, I meet friends who want me to stop smoking. One is a girl a couple states over. I talk to her over the internet, and call her on her cell phone when I need support. I promised her I would stop smoking if she tried her best to improve her school grades.

Another is a boy named Josh, who is the boyfriend of a girl I've worked on plays with. We're pretty good friends, and he really doesn't like anyone--underage or not--to smoke. He's also part of my support system, because he can always make me laugh when I'm stressed, angry, or sad.

It's gotten to the point where I'm asking every "druggie" I know for a cigarette, and every passing high school kid for a lighter or match. I hate the feeling I get when I don't have one over a certain period of time, so I fool myself by saying "I'm nicer to people when I have one. Just one."

I'm also scared on what I'm implying to my younger sister. I'd hate for her to not be able to run with her friends because she can't breathe right.

Then there's ROTC. I'm the trainer for the physical training team. I'm not competition level, but I want to at least keep up with the new recruits.
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3 Replies

Kristen, Thank you so much for sharing. It's good to write down your feelings and thoughts. It helps you get a better perspective of how you can tackle your quit and get it going. It's normal what you're going through; it take awhile to change our way of thinking from a smoker to a non-smoker. You're doing good. Keep doing what you're doing.
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I'm 15 now. I guess I never really thought anything of myself, good or bad, until my friends made such a big deal of this.

Right now, I'm pretty much just staying away from the "dealers" at school. A couple of them are good acquaintances, if I asked, they wouldn't hesitate to give me a cigarette.
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It is so good that you are staying away from the ones that would give you a cigarette if you asked. That is a wise choice for you. You should be proud of yourself for trying to quit at your age. You have your whole life ahead of you and you CAN BE SMOKE FREE IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO!!! It won't be easy but YOU CAN DO IT!! You just have to believe in yourself and believe that you can. You are stronger than you think you are..... We are here to help you, just ask if you need help. Congratulations on taking the first steps towards a happier and healthier life!
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