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Give and get support around quitting

black lung

I thought this would be a good forum to ask since we're all in the same boat. There are probably some of you who have quit more times than me too. How long does this terrible smoker's cough last after you quit? I'm on day 6/7 if you count Thursday when I had my last cigarette and I'm coughing up a storm. When I smoked regularly I always prided myself in the fact that I never had this terrible cough and now that I've quit I sound worse than ever.
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4 Replies

the cough will subside... the little hairs in your throat are trying to start waving around and working again without plugging them up every hour or so with tar... keep some cough drops handy and remember this will pass and your cough will go away... this cough is way better than the one you could have years down the road ... while hooked to an oxygen tank... Hang tight... it will pass..... You can do this. 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Thanks, Deborah. I really like to know the science behind the physical changes. It helps.
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It's been a while since I last quit but I'm on day 4 now. I'm waiting for "The Cough" 'cos I know it's coming. I never really coughed that much either when I was smoking(and I live at 9,000 feet). Just try to remember that that's all the crap coming out of your lungs. That's how I'm trying to look at it.

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Hey Chelsea...I'm in week 3 and the coughing is almost gone after smoking for too many years to count. I read that when you first quit, your body is trying to expel all the garbage which causes the coughing. I surprised me to find out how quickly the body recovers from years of smoking. I don't remember the URL but I googled "effects with smoking cessation" and that's how I found the information. It was helpful to think that every day I go without a cigarette my body is getting stronger and the overall affects are getting weaker. Hang in there! We'll all make it together.
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