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anger with lack of nicotine

Hello, My name is Susan. I have unexpectedly become very angry while quitting. I am taking Chantix and noticed that my level of stressers or triggers are very high. I don't know what to do with myself. I have gone from pacing to scrubbing grout with a toothbrush. I started going to the gym a couple of months ago in anticipation of this. I was wondering if it is normal to go through a phase of anger? I'm normally very even keeled and don't lose my temper too often. I even yelled at my dogs. The kids lucked out as I scheduled my detox when they would be visiting their father. I just feel so lost. I had no idea that my life was completely defined by smoking! Driving in the car sucks. I have this large container of gum. I think I'll go out and buy myself some other hard sugar-free candy to suck on. I'm pretty sure I'm one of those people with an oral fixation. I only hope that this anger thing will go away very soon!

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3 Replies

Hi Susan, not sure what day you are at in your quit. You have all the symptoms of someone real early in there quit. The anger is part of the withdrawal but if you feel it is excessive you might want to talk to your doctor. Chantix could contribute to your issue with anger. I took Chantix last year as an aid to quit and I had no problems with the meds.

The addiction to nicotine is strong but everyday you do not smoke you will get stronger and it will get easier. Give it some time just hang on. You can do it. I wish you well 

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SUSAN I HOPE WE NEVER MEET IN PERSON. I FEEL THE SAME ANGER..HAHA WE MAY KILL EACH OTHER. I've read what you wrote and i could copy and paste it as my feelings. My jaw hurts from chewing sooo much gum! I am pissed one minute and when I think about the lashing I just handed some innocent person (mostly my family), I'm crying the next. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE SAY "Keep it up, good job". I don't know why..i just want to reply "whatever".I've been smoke free for 9 days. My mind is trying to tell me I should give up and smoke for many different reasons. IF YOU COME UP WITH SOMETHING THAT WORKS ON YOUR ANGER ISSUES PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I'M DESPERATE FOR ANGER RELIEF!!

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Thanks everyone. I feel better today, but seem to vascilate between good cop bad cop. I don't feel as angry and I would imagine that I am just frusterated that addiction is not easy. The amazing amount of denial of my addiction prior to quitting is being revealed to me in so many surprising ways. I will be going along and then pow! out of the bule I start the motions as if I am going to smoke only to realize that I don't anymore and I just have to deal with it. It's so strange! It reminds me of the days following my mother's death. I would for a split second think I could call her only to realize that she was gone.  It is so similar to me like some sort of loss I am dealing with. I am consumed with trying to find something to do and had no idea that I have so many triggers. I hope that I can find some way that is good to channel all of this energy. I'm about to burn a track in the wood flooring from pacing. Sorry for complaining so much. I just had no idea it would be this mentally challenging.

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