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Give and get support around quitting


a non-smoker to be (July 20th 2012)

Hi, Just joined the sight.  I am doing this with the support of Spark People message boards also. I am going to succeed at this and I have set up a plan that has been in place since the 3rd of July.  I have cleaned my house and washed the walls and done just about everything I can to prepare for an easy transition into becoming a non-smoker.  I have naturally cut back on my cigarette intake over the past 2 weeks. I have set my goals, and come up with contingency plans.  
There is one thing I am truly concerned about... nicotine is a stimulant, it causes secretion of norepinephrine,  I have a depressive disorder that is primarily a result of a low levle of norepinephrine... so I am concerned about dipping into that dark space when there is no more nicitone in my system.  I realize it takes a complete 30 days for it to leave the body.  SO, I have been exercising like a maniac - walking instead of smoking.  Getting a good 90 minutes or more of a solid workout 6 out of 7 days a week.  I am eating healthy and have avoided the food cravings.  Anyhow, I am steadfast in my conviction to quit, and if I end up in a dark place, I know that I will have the support to help me get back out.  So, that being said I will not be afraid.  I will be strong and I will succeed. 

There ya go, I brief, albeit, bizzare, introduction to me. 

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6 Replies

lwilk You have so much courage and know just what it is you need and 

going to do and that is become an EX smoker!!

Don't let yourself put fear in you about this dark side

because stopping smoking is the one most imporant

thing you can do at this time in your life.

Ask God for wisdom on this issue and  trust him on it.

Glad you are quiting and I'm coming in behind you on  8/1/12

Thanks  Jimmy

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Thank you Jimmy, 

That was such a spot on right thing for me to have read right now.  I appreciate you responding to my sort of hidden confession, but you have brought light to it and and I will be going to God with it if the fear starts to build or the dark place looks a bit too close. 

Thank you again, and good luck with your quit date. 

I actually washed everything I could in my house, fabreezed the rest, and got rid of the lingering smoking smell in my house, so now it just smells clean... 🙂   (just a tip of what helped me get ready).. thank you so much. 

Do you mind if i add you as s friend so I can follow your success? 

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Hi.  You already have the right attitude to quit.  You are determined to succeed and that is half the battle.  The other half is the actual physical addiction to nicotine.  If you start getting depressed, exercise is a great choice.  It will make you feel a lot better. If that isn't enough, the amino acid tyrosine is a supplement that can be used to increase norepinephrine levels.  Take it with a B6 vitamin, around 50mg of B6.  And there are also medications that can help with depression if you need to talk to your doctor. Let he or she know that you are quitting.  Maybe your doctor has some good suggestions. Good luck to you.  You are on your way to freedom from cigarettes.  It's a great feeling!!  I have been quit for 43 days so far, and to tell you the truth, my outlook on life is so much better.  It really is worth it to quit.  See ya!



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Also, it is said to drink a lot of water during your quit to help flush out all the toxins. Again, best of luck to you.

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dc32... that is a great suggestions, I just started reading about the tyrosine, but hadn't fully understood all it's benefits.  I am under a doctors care and he has been trying to refrain from going to back to the 80's generation old drugs where the focus was on norepinephrine.  I will try the tyrosine.  It's been a full 24 hours + and so far so great!  I am doing good,  a few twinges of desire of a cigarette, but nothing that doesn't pass as I use my tools to get through them.  Thank you for the Heads up and I have been drinking close to a gallon of water a day for a week now... and had cut back a great deal on my cigs before I quit so hopefully I have already started to wash the muck out of my system

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Hello, how are you doing today with your smoking?  Are you cutting down or just quitting altogether?  After a few weeks, at least this is what my doctor told me, the nicotine should be out of your system and the cravings will be much less.  If the tyrosine doesn' t work for you, there is also l-phenylalanine to increase your dopamine and norepinephrine levels.  Tyrosine works for some people, but not everyone.  Keep exercising.  That is a great way to feel better when you are quitting.  I am going to start walking or biking soon since I have more energy since quitting.  I remember before I started smoking 12 years ago that I used to go to the park and bike.  It made me feel great, so I want to get back to that because I am a little overweight.  Keep it up!  See  ya!


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