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Has anyone else had Insomnia quitting.... ? Don't want to smoke but DO want to sleep!

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I was inclined to sleep more. But as everyone says, your body is going through some extreme changes and cleansing itself of toxins in the beginning. Hang in there and realize that the situation is temporary. The suggestion to use the time to read up on information to support your quit is a good idea. Just do whatever you have to get past this phase, and eventually you should start to feel back to normal.


I was so sick when I quit that I really did nothing BUT sleep and drink fluids and use my nebulizer and my inhalers and take my antibiotics.  It was a very sobering time...there was no way I could smoke during that although I will admit that I smoked BEFORE when I had pneumonia...this last time was the LAST TIME for me.  I know several people have complained of insomnia, I do believe it will pass but, once again, no timeline is available.  Hang in there, it DOES get easier, I PROMISE.


I am just like you.  I’m having terrible trouble falling asleep and I keep waking up.  Then I struggle all day.  Will this ever end??  I’m on Day 22.


This is an old post but this definetly will end it'll take some time but it's going to get better I also had a difficult time sleeping in my early days and weeks I started taking Melatonin 5 mg which helped me sleep and I felt more rested, maybe talk to your pharmacist I also find Gravol works too in the meantime congratulations on your precious quit journey YAY for 22 stupendous Smokefree days and counting WTG or maybe it's 23 now. Swanbird