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Youth Quitters

I started smoking at 14, got prego at 15, quit for eight months then went right back to smoking. I had two more kids..smoked with them and have not stopped since. I have read that more and more teens are not picking up the cig like they were when I was a teen. That may be one good
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31 Replies

Yeah man I started at 13 as well...I wouldn't have believed you back then if you told me I would still have been smoking into my 30's--You have time, don't waste the time, money, and bad health of being a smoker any longer, I can tell ya it just is not worth it!!! Good luck and stay with it!!!
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I am 25 years old.  I smoked for 12 years.  A pack a day from 17-25.  I am 49 days into my quit.  I am a nursing student and found it crazy to be damaging my body while telling others to look out for their health.  I quit by reading Allen Carr's book.  It really helped my learn about nicotine and overcome the pitfalls. 

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hello me name is bobby and i am 20 almost 21 i have one daughter and another one on the way i want to quit for my childre n so i can be around longer to see my grandkids

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Hi, I am 23 years old and have been smoking for about 8 years.  I'm ready to quit and my quit date is coming up pretty soon...I would like to be healtheir so one day I can look back on this experience and laugh about it.  I've saw the effects of tobacco and continued to smoke anyway.  However, I think it's about that time.

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Hello - My name is Keri and I am a 28 year old Mother of 1.

I just quit on the 2nd and have had some wonderful support from family & friends. I look forward to keeping in touch with many of you. . . .

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Hello everyone,

My name is Marlyn I'm 18 years old and I've been smoking since I was about 15 years old. I want to quit because I hate the smell of ciggarettes I feel like I set a bad example for my younger siblings and I don't want to have really bad health problems in my future. I feel like ciggarettes own me. I don't want to feel that way anymore.

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Hello all.  I am 28 years old. I just got married recently to a former smoker who has been an amazing support system. Both my parents are smokers and I have been smoking for 9 years. We are planning for a family soon and I really don't want to pass this habit onto my children.  I am on day 2 of my smoke free journey and pray that I can really kick the habit this time. I no longer want to plan my day by the amount of cigarettes I do or don't have.

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I am 25 and have been smoking for 6 years.  I smoke about half of a pack every day.  I have decided to quit because I want to be healthy...period.  My plan is to first recognize my triggers and gradually overcome them.  Then, once I reduce the number of cigarrettes I am smoking everyday, I will incorporate two forms of medication.  Then I will gradually reduce the medication.  If anybody wants to chat let me know!

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Hello, my name is Zach. I am 22 years old and i've been smoking for 2 years. I want to quit for my fiance.

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