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Give and get support around quitting


You guys were right, I was right, I'm done

So I had good ideas and useful background and waded into this like I had it wired. Many kind people let me be myself and gave me encouragement. Something that I really needed and still do. I was on week two and making good progress.  I checked on some of the kind people who offer support and there was a tag for a book about the easy quit. I read and skimmed my way through most of the book and agreed with the guy almost 100% which I never do.  He is right, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is benign and essentially NOT THE PROBLEM.  The problem is the brainwashing and mental and emotional garbage rolling around in my head and the resultant stupid decisions. Anyhow, two days ago at about 10:30PM I had my last smoke. I gave away the rest of my squares, lighters and threw away all the ashtrays.  He was also right about needing the resolve and being in the frame of mind to take charge. When I finished the book I was sufficiently pissed off at the tobacco companies, doctors who want to transfer the addiction elsewhere, inhaler shops who don't know how dangerous that crap is yet and couldn't care less, and a bunch of other people too. Not sure who they were but I was fired up.   Anyhow, the waiting for a smoke. changing my fun time and limiting what and when I could do things I liked were just too much punishment and none of us deserve to put ourselves through all these hoops.  As addictive as nicotine is, its not an uncomfortable withdrawal. The extra oxygen is a fun high for real and legal so that is actually pretty fun. I use the extra energy to review how P.O.ed I am about the whole smoking thing. Its a joke and if we weren't brainwashed into believing that quitting is SO Hard, There would  be more success.  Read Allen Carr's Easy Way to stop smoking. If it doesn't fire you up, then you are just a much nicer person than me. Actually, you probably are a nicer person than me.  

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Too many of us were brainwashed into thinking it was impossible to quit It took me years and many failed quits for my brain to be cleared of the lies that kept me in bondage to the sickerettes !  My first little attempt to quit  was a challenge in a quit smoking group to just go 48 hours without a cigarette , I made it but  went back to smoking after the 48 hours. From that first attempt I began to see that it was a possibility and with each attempt I grew more confident and renewed in my mind . I waited far to long  to get to where I am today . I suggest if anyone here  is having difficulty quitting because of that brain washing fear take the challenge ....just go 48 hours or even 24 just to begin to overcome the brainwashing it really did help me !


I read the Carr book after it was recommended and I got the support here. It worked! Congrats on your quit! 


Update. Its been a week and the bad monster is getting tired of losing arguments with what passes for a functional mind for me. I absolutely need the feedback that I get daily. It really HELPS a ton.  We all know that we want to quit, make it a done deal once and for all and get on with our lives. Remembering that people I don't even know are interested in helping me is one more reason to keep winning the arguments. Nicotine is not what I miss. Cigarettes are not appealing. That was never it. It was being whatever I thought being a smoker made me that moment. I mean, lighting up a damn cigarette because someone on TV did? REALLY,  I just find that too stupid for words but I did it. It would be interesting to really know how many of those people did it without being paid very well for it. Not many who are still alive.


Great blog. We are in this together.

Cats here.....almost...10 days

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Look at you pongaselo‌ you are winning, you are stacking your days, you are moving forward, and your addiction is very slowly losing its day, one hour, one minute at a time.  Really happy for you!

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