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Wow I made it to day 11 DOUBLE DIGITS!!!!!

Hi everyone Wow i made it 11 days smoke free I couldn't wait to make it to the double digits now I am here and it is exciting.!! I had an extremely rough weekend beings it was only the 2 weekend as a non smoker had alot of anxiety and stress I kept telling myself I was bored and needed a cigarette, but NOPE I DIDN'T GIVE IN TO THAT NICODERM DEVIL!! Heck week is almost over. We are all doing such a wonderful job I am PROUD OF EACH AND EVERYONE OF US!!!
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3 Replies

Congrats Vic!! give me the movitation 2 see how it feels to make it 2 the double digits...i'm on day 5.......Keep hanging in there...proud of you also.
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That's great, Vicky! I find weekends to be more stressful sometimes when I'm quitting. There are more stressful situations, but I associate smoking with so many of the relaxing things I do during the weekend. It's sometimes easier to keep occupied and keep your mind off smoking during the week.

Way to go on your 11 (now 12, I hope) days!
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I just hit Day 11 myself. Doesn't it feel great?!!! Today is the 4th of July so a long weekend ahead for many of us. Don't give into temptation as you'll probably be around people a bit more this weekend than usual and some of those people will be smoking. And be careful those who plan to celebrate (drink) as that can be a trigger for many of us. We CAN do it!

I plan to keep busy today. Bike ride with husband here in a little bit, then some shopping and lunch out. BBQing this afternoon either just by ourselves or with neighbors (she just quit too!) and watching fireworks from our back deck. "Low key" is the key for me to make it through this weekend.

Good luck all!

It feels GREAT to be smoke-free!
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