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Worst cravings ever!

I seem to have hit a phase of cravings that are so intense they don’t pass in a few minutes, even with the lozenges or if I take a couple drags from my allotted cigs for the day (4).  This maddening.  I’m also sleeping too deep and still get head rushes when I turn over.   I’m under a lot of stress right now so am wondering how much is physical and how much emotional.  I know I’m dehydrated so that isn’t helping.  I can’t walk them off because of hip pain.  I was getting used to finding ways to get thru the cravings as I didn’t have time to make a quit plan or choose a date.  This phase is throwing me for a loop.  I’ve gotten all the advice about addiction, still using nicotine and such.  I have chosen a tapered quit as cold turkey is out for me.  I don’t even really like cigs much anymore which is something I never thought would happen.  Thus s a long way to ask are there times the cravings don’t subside in a reasonable time? 

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21 Replies

It took one of my co-workers 6 years to go off Nicorette after quitting smoking.  To me she was a "closet" Nicotine user, since I had not idea until she told me.  And of course it is up to you to pick the method which works best.  But as long as you are hanging onto Nicotine (no matter what delivery method used), you are not free!  Please believe me, as hard as the first several months can be (and I am speaking here for the majority of quitters on this site, personally, it seems as my memory was erased about those first months, I just remember the crying prompting me to find this site), the feeling of freedom as you are hitting milestones in your quit, is nothing short of magnificent.  I smoked about 38 years, and when I hit one year smober, it was the best feeling ever!

And if all of us are here today, trying to help you find the best way to quit for good, is because we've experienced that feeling of freedom, and it is priceless.

Join us, find a way which works for you, believe you'll never be alone here while going through hard times, read as much as you can, understand the process of quitting the barriers you have on your way and how to overcome them.  Listen to the advice which resonates with your personality, age, length of addiction, and follow that quitter.  You will be guided to freedom, you will be thankful for that.  Make this site your main tool, and not just one of them.  It made a whole world of difference to me, and I would not be here today, if it were not for this group of people, all in good faith to help me achieve what I did not think I could on my own!

As for the happy face, it will depend on the browser you are using, if you are on the phone or a laptop, for me (using Chrome on a laptop) I just type the : (column) followed by a close parenthesis ()), and that populates the smiley face

You can also copy from another site, and paste here, if you want it bigger

Image result for smiley faces

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Oh, works!  

thanks Daniela.

and for your post.  I’m still deciding on my quit date.  I keep coming here for the great support.