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Give and get support around quitting


Worry Wart

I haven't quit yet and I'm not sure that this will work. I live with my parents (who smoke inside and have no desire to quit) and most of my family and friends smoke. I feel really alone in my descision but I have children who need me here. They don't deserve any of the extra that comes with having a smoking parent: They smell like smoke, mommy doesn't want to play, they have "that parent that smokes", and lets not forget all the second hand. I also am only 26 and have noticed I have terrible circulation, trouble concentrating, and I feel tired all the time. These are signs similar to two things: carbon monoxide poisoning and smoke inhilation (which is the real cause of most deaths in house fires!) None of that is normal! I need support and this online thing isn't for me, but something has to change. This isn't a new year's resolution. I keep trying to quit and I've only been successful on my own for four months. I hope this is the beginning of the end!

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3 Replies

Hang in there! You can do it. It won't be easy, but it's up to you and you alone. Four months is pretty good! Try to do that again!
I hear ya, though. It's soooo hard. I raised three kids and smoked the whole time. Not a one of them smoke, yay! 

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Keep it going Aaren!
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I do hope that you will continue, to strive to be SMOKE FREE.

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