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Give and get support around quitting


Work enforced Stop Smoking to save money for others.

This ex program was given to employees to make a choice.   Enter the program or be charged $50/month.  You don't have to quit,  just be enrolled.  Then the big news came out that our insurance premiums for the following year didn't change at all which hardly ever happens.   So a deal was made using smokers addictions again to capitalize off of their money.   If you don't want to quit then you just don't.   But to further charge a smoker is ridiculous and frankly discrimination.   I signed up for the politically driven sensation program so I wasn't to be charged.

If the was some type of magic to quit I'd go for that.

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19 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager


Welcome to the community! While there is no magic that will make you quit smoking, there is a lot of great support here in the community and information across our site that will help you quit. You'll need to put in some work  but the rewards will be worth it. 

I'm glad your employer cares about you and wants to encourage you to improve your health via the EX Program. If you have questions or concerns about your benefits, the best place to contact is your employer's HR and Benefits department.

I see you've set a quit date for 6/1/2020 but perhaps you'll learn something here that will help you make your quit date come sooner than that. We're here to cheer you on!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

WELCOME MARCUS AND CONGRATS ON LIVING AS A NON SMOKER.... Please keep blogging to vent or just talk.... Thank you.


Welcome to the community please read everything you can about quitting smoking and remaining quit because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to quit and stay quit as long as you are willing determined and totally committed to succeed then you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time and we're all here to help you in any way we can as difficult as quitting can be it's absolutely Doable and totally worth it to be able to go anywhere anytime whenever wherever and however without wondering where you can sneak off to suck on a cancer stick, you can do this...... marcustbowser

So I'm gonna tell you a little secret.

You don't have to want to quit smoking to succeed.

You will be doing yourself a lifetime favor if you do but you're going to do whatever you want anyway

One other thing

The only way to truly quit smoking is to unlearn it.

We can teach you how to do that.

We can give you tips that will get you through the toughest times

We can get you there

but not if you definitely want to keep smoking.

Lot of money to save

Lot of living to do

It's up to you 


Welcome to EX...quitting smoking is the best thing you can for yourself whether you want to or not.  There is no magic pill, no wand we can wave to make the addiction go away...addiction...that's what this is and we are addicts whether we want to admit it or not.  I understand that you feel resentful, I probably would have when I smoked but I don't do that anymore.  If you decide to quit, you will find that you are in the best place ever and that you will learn a great deal about your addiction as well as about yourself.



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Community Manager
Community Manager


I'm glad you joined and I understand your frustration but I'm sad every day when I look to celebrate people's milestones. I would love to see you on the list.

I know you're planning on smoking for 488 more days but I hope you will reconsider. Just look at all the wonderful stories people have posted on the community. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

I did a little math...

Starting today. If you smoke a pack a day and it averages $10/pack it will be 9,740 cigarettes smoked for a total of $4,870 + $800(premium increase) + other expenses related to smoking. You will have smoked 58,440 mins (assuming 6 mins/cig) or 974 hrs or 41 days. If you quit today you can roughly add on 107,140 minutes or 1785 hours, or 74 days of life.  Just check out the benefits.

Please reconsider. There is a whole group of people here waiting and willing to support you.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Totally understand your point.  I'd be hostile too.  But since you're here.... why not look around, read some stuff.

The magic, by the way, is all within you.  Which is one of the things I learned when I quit.   The true sensation of the the EX program, (to my mind) what makes this quit site different from all others - is the support community.  All quit sites use the same basic techniques to help people quit, but it's the members here walking the walk together that help to create lasting success.

Stick around.  Maybe we'll rub off on you.  Cheers! 


Giulia wrote:

Totally understand your point.  I'd be hostile too.  But since you're here.... why not look around, read some stuff.


The magic, by the way, is all within you.  Which is one of the things I learned when I quit.   The true sensation of the the EX program, (to my mind) what makes this quit site different from all others - is the support community.  All quit sites use the same basic techniques to help people quit, but it's the members here walking the walk together that help to create lasting success.


Stick around.  Maybe we'll rub off on you.  Cheers! 

As a former smoker I don't agree with you.  Maybe at the time while I was still smoking yes but now, no. I was downright bitter for a while and wouldn't listen to much, if anything. It was my addicted mind being selfish. I don't think that non-smokers should have to carry the burden against their will and pay for people who choose to smoke. If you choose to smoke then your insurance premiums should be higher to cover the additional medical costs that a smoker would incur over the average of a non smoker. It should be an incentive to quit. I'm sure to some degree smokers are factored into the overall population of marcustbowser‌'s work population but they're always trying to push the premiums as low as possible. It's a cat and mouse game. To do that they're offering a program the will incentivize people to quit. Some people will want the incentive and will quit while others will game the system and continue to smoke and benefit from the discount while checking the box but not really doing anything.

I don't have any sympathy for smokers who complain. You're choosing to do something that knowingly harms your health. non-smokers should not have to pay for your individual choices. I don't know if they are checking (medically) but they should to validate that you are actually nicotine free to be eligible to not receive the surcharge. If you're able to get it without actually quitting the program then perhaps your employer is too lax with their requirements.

I agree with Giulia‌ though. The community is here with lots of support and there is really no reason you, marcustbowser shouldn't quit. Invest in you. Complete strangers have offered their help.  Stop complaining that you're employer cares about their employees and take action. If you have a beef with your employer over their choices. Take it up with them, this is not the avenue to complain in my opinion as it's off topic.

mark I think those stats speak for themselves. No reason not to quit. He could do a lot with that money and time. Thanks for the reminder of how I made the right choice!


Quit since 8/2/2017
If you like my reply smash the [kudos] button. I'm not an expert but I have successfully quit using this site. For that, I'm grateful. That is all.

Welcome...hope we see more of you and sooner than June! Its your quit though and you need to do it when your good and ready. Being prepared with a plan will make the transition MUCH smoother, so stick around and read blogs and learn from us, we are a super community filled with much experience and compassion and support and you will not regret it!

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