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Give and get support around quitting


Withdrawal Overload, dont smoke dont smoke!

God I am so frusterated! I want to quit but all these triggers all around me. Man we are struggling in my house. My mom and sister have been laid off for months now and my dad is disabled and my mom is is constant caretaker. She isnt a registerd nurse just a devoted wife. He has been slowly dying of muscular dystropy for the past 20 years. Its terrible to see what happens to people with this disease. I am in debt and work driving pizzas and barely can keep my head above water. Maybe one day we will have peace and some sort of security or closure to this long long battle. Smoking makes me feel bad. I know its bad but I just get in that state of rage and hoplessness. I am just glad I still am employed with no health insurance.
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2 Replies

wow how do u really feel?
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You will find some outstanding people on this site. Read the member's pages and you will know that your not alone.
Keep reading the articles too. You have a lot on your shoulders, be kind to yourself. The guilts doesn't do us any good. Just
adds one more thing to be miserable about. Ask for a free copy of the book "Easy Way To Quit Smoking", Check May
Quit dates, one person there has a PDF copy she is so kind as to share.
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