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Withdraw symptoms and how long do they last

I have been reading and trying to understand withdraw symptoms, but more importantly how long they will last. I have not had a cigarette in a month and 3 days (after smoking for 38 years) and I really don't have horrible cravings. There are times when I think about smoking, but it goes away pretty quick. My main issue is how I feel. I am exhausted and I am sleeping 8-10 hours a night. I am exercising pretty regularly as well. I just feel anxious, tired, achy, a little depressed, and really just overall blah. Has anyone else experienced this upon quitting and at this length of time?  I would thing that at a month I would be done with the withdrawals!  Thanks in advance for your response!!

19 Replies

EIGHT weeks is huge!  Congratulations!

Keep going!



That is  SPECTACULAR!  How long did your withdrawal symptoms last?  Now YOU can answer that question...eight weeks is so amazing, you are officially in No Man's Land so you might have some unexpected craves...stay vigilant. It helps to be prepared, here is a blog by JonesCarpeDiem‌ 

Glad you are still with us, congratulations.



Hi Elvan,

I still get cravings, but they go away pretty fast. I think it was probably the first few weeks. 


kawaldrip66  After they weaken and come less often...they are really just memories of what you USED to do but you don't do anymore.  GOOD FOR YOU!


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Dopamine is a plus for the brain, and not smoking.   You don't have to Ski Dive"  to get dopamine thank Goodness.  The basic little things can do that for you, as well. 

That is what Nicotine does to for the brain gives it dopamine !!

Some easy simple solutions to Kick"  the blues, and get  some "Dopamine.

3 Ways to Increase Dopamine - wikiHow 


Thanks everyone!! I love the support!  

0 Kudos

Hi and Congratulations on your Quit.  

Yes, as I had

the same thing, maybe still am having it.  I am 49 days quit and started having a lot 

of the same feelings.  After I wrote here, I got so much good advice.  One, read the article No Mans Land (Ellen above referenced it). I am still finding around site so not sure how to paste it here.  Secondly, the information from others here was great.  We need to be continuing to change our tools in our quit box all the time.  As our withdrawal symptoms change we must have new ideas to combat them.  Ie., feeling blah, watch a comedy, call a friend who makes you laugh, etc.,... hang in there, people here are so helpful they will give more great ideas.

gotcha in my thoughts Colleen aka sweetp 


Here is a link to the No Mans Land blog: .  The elders here before me noticed that a lot of quits were lost during this time and decided to highlight it by giving it a name.  My worst day was around 108 - and knowing about this part of the journey certainly saved MY quit.

You can find blogs on most subjects by using the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner...just type in the subject you want to know about!

Hang in there!  It DOES get easier!



I am not sure anyone can truly answer the question.  No one has a true accurate answer on many things in life. 

There are so many things that can help with transitional" stages of addiction though.

Many Blessings hugs.

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Congrats , your in the right place !!!! I quit nearly a year ago and went through this exact same thing . I did however want to strangle everyone around me and I stated over and over again how I wanted a cigarette.  This gets easier , but depression will hit you and it might hit hard, but keep going ,if your tired ,sleep. Get as much rest as you can and this website is simply amazing, I would have never quit and stayed quit if I didnt find EX. Everyday when I was feeling down, having cravings or had questions ,I came here and learned so much. What really helped me was I started a diary , i downloaded an app from my android phone and i wrote in that damn thing every day , i wrote how i was feeling ,if i was craving a ciggerettes even how much weight i gained , it helps me so much to look back and know i dont want to feel that way again ,but more so it kept me way busy. The cravings for me stopped about the end of the 3rd month, I just didnt think about as often and had way less cravings. Just think of how much you have accomplished,  an entire month of not smoking !!! Your doing an amazing job, keep it !!!!