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Give and get support around quitting


Will be wuitting in Oct too

Hi everyone, I'm on chantix. I will be quitting too. I have not set an exact date. Taking the pills. Everyone says you get to a point do not want to smoke. Cigarettes do not taste as good. I missed a few morning doses. I plan on quitting this week. How are you all quitting? Good luck to all of us.
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6 Replies

I thought the instructions that came with the Chantix prescription said to pick a quit date of the 7th day in taking the pills. Did you read the papers that came with it? Did you join the GetQuit website that is free with the prescription? It was helpful for me. I used Chantix and quit since March 11th. Do a good job quitting, it's a lot of work but worth it. Best to ya.
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Yes. Doctor said ususally takes longer. Generally 12 days if you take fuill dose. I have not becuase of nauesea in the morn
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Hi Cindy,
I know you're supposed to quit after taking the chantix for 1 week, however I took the Chantix for almost 2 months before actually quitting, today is day 12. I found though I was only smoking because of the triggers (coffee,eating,etc). I actually ended up giving up coffee too because I was down to one or two a day (when I would have coffee). And figured if I was going to quit all together I needed to quit coffee because that was a major trigger. So now I am nicotine and caffiene free! I'm loving it. I've started exercising and am really praying to God that I never go back. I've smoked for about 25 years 1-2 packs a day. I really wish you the best! I've found the chantix to be a great tool in quitting smoking. I tried all the others and wasn't able to quit, and with the chantix, the urges come and go very fast. So take care, and take one day at a time!

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My doctor said it usually takes longer than a week. Morning pill makes me sick. So I ojnly take half the dose. Tomrorw I'm going to try taking full dose, see what happens. I really have only been smoking because of habit too. We have had unseasonalbly warm weather. Starts tot get cold mid week. That will be helpful. I hate to smoke outside in the cold. Thanks for all your support. Cindy
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Member will get easier as you go through it. Just think of all the benefits you will reap!
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I have been not smoking that trigger cigarette when I get up. I shower, blow dry hair, straighten and curl hair, unload dishwasher and throw in a load of laundry first. I have been smoking about 5 a day. I have noticed cravings have redcuced dramatically. That morning pill makes me sick unless I take half the dose. Will be talking to pharmacist today at work.
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