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Give and get support around quitting


Why now?

Today will be my 14th day without a cigarette. Why am I craving them SO MUCH? I woke up and immediately wanted one, then I realized I didn't do that anymore and felt bummed out.I hurried and put a patch on my arm and stuck a mini mint in my mouth. This is the first time of the 14 days that I am really feeling the urge. As I type this I am taking deep slow breaths. I know this virus thing is on my mind. I am thankful I do not smoke anymore. Just want to put this out there for anyone to support me. Thank you, Karen

38 Replies

That's what I'm thinking! Thank you


You can do it. The smoker is an addict. You brain and body are craving it's drug. Fight it off each and every time. It will take a while but eventually you'll be able to make it through a whole day without a crave. I'm going for a year and a half and still have moments when I think I can just have a smoke. Nope!!


So good to hear from you and your continued success!





Congratulations, Karen. That you have gone that long is totally cool. Hang in there; there are many supportive, good people on this site.


Yes, I found found that out, including you thank you!


> "Why am I craving them SO MUCH?"

Still itching for a stick.

That book (and many others) point out that while you think you are a civilized rational person, that's just higher brain. Your lower brain works to keep you safe in a threatening world. You get dry, it urges you to walk to the creek or the water fountain. Hungry, you get antsy for berries, maybe small animals, or a good plate of pasta. While your higher brain often goes along with these thoughts, it's really coming from the deep part of the brain which keeps all animals alive and healthy.

I've been soaked in Nicotine for many decades. And when my lower brain sees the Nic-level go from F to 'half', it told me to go suck a butt. About a half million times. It got to be a "habit".

Now that my Nic-level has gone to "E" that lower brain is in a panic. We always had Nic!! This must be a famine! Panic!! We'll starve and die!!

That book has a lot of insights and tips.


Hey ! Thank you! I clicked on the link you provided and started reading the excerpt- it really held my attention- I could relate and...I bought the book! Can't wait to receive it. Thank you PRR-ex!



> I bought the book! 

I bought two copies. One e-book. But some of it just works better in paper. And the added cost for a second copy, I could smoke-away in a few days; better to buy books than butts.

So is the book helping?