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Why do I grind my teeth/clench my jaw?

It seems like since I have been trying to stop smoking, I find myself involuntarily grinding my teeth or clenching my jaw, especially when the cravings are strong. As a child and early teen, I used to grind my teeth involuntarily in my sleep when I was stressed and had to get a bite plate, but I have not used one in years. What is wrong with me?! Is this a normal reaction to nicotine withdrawl???
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5 Replies

I've been clean almost a year and have been grinding alos, I think it is a result of stress, I'm gonna go get me a athletic type mouth guard.
There were times even when I was smoking I ground my teeth in my sleep, now I do it a lot, except a couple weeks ago while I was on vacation, that is why I think it is stress related.
Best to You,
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I've been clean almost a year and have been grinding alos, I think it is a result of stress, I'm gonna go get me a athletic type mouth guard.
There were times even when I was smoking I ground my teeth in my sleep, now I do it a lot, except a couple weeks ago while I was on vacation, that is why I think it is stress related.
Best to You,
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I used to clench my teeth and grind them even while smoking--I think this is an oral gratification thingy. Probably goes back to infant suckling instincts--then sucking a thumb--then when older, sucking on a cigarette.

So, I suck on a toothpick, that seems to help ease the tension of oral gratification--heck if it helps, get a childs pacifier . Whatever it takes to not put a cig in your mouth.
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I am doing the same thing!! Thought it was just stress, but I can't stop clenching either. I'm on day 6....I'm also coughing a lot!
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I tend to clench constantly too. I think when you cough after you quit smoking, your lungs may be clearing out a lot of the old crud. I like the idea of a mouth guard, though, because when I clench, it adds more wrinkles, and I always look mad.
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