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Why am I so horrible?

Quick background:  We learned in Sept. that my husband's dad had pancreatic cancer.  He never really had much to do with bringing up his kids other than providing the means to live.  He and his second wife moved from up north to a place about an hour and a half away from us but they didn't make any effort to see us OR his only grandkids.  They didn't want us to come down if we had to bring Matt (oldest) because they didn't like him and thought he was a brat.  I don't think that feeling ever changed even when we finally found out he was autistic.  Their loss at not knowing the grandchildren on this side.  Hubby's dad is doing pretty well with chemo but there is no remission with pancreatic cancer. It's 100% fatal.  My husband goes down once a month for a visit and talks to him almost weekly. I have wanted to go visit Dad, yes I call him Dad because I was raised that family was family including extended family.  Each time I've mentioned it to my husband he has said something that politely says not this time. 

So a couple months ago I asked yet again when he was going and that I wanted to go down with him.  He said the usual but this time he added that his dad's wife Christine was pissed off at me and didn't want me to upset Dad.  I didn't know if it was just Christine or both that were angry and even though she said I'd know, I had no idea why.  I haven't spoken with nor corresponded with either of them in years.  My husband is going down tomorrow for a visit and I wanted to go once again.  He said he'd ask if it was okay.  What in the actual f###!  Why do you have to ask and not defend your wife so she can see whom she considers family?   He called and was told no again.  By this time I'm thinking he knows why but didn't say anything.

Ok, I'm a big girl and soooo not above saying I'm sorry and meaning it even if I don't know or don't think I did anything wrong.  Christ, I'd say I was sorry for breathing the wrong way if it made someone feel better.  So I called Christine this morning to literally apologize for whatever I said or did that might have upset them.  She was happy when she thought it was my husband calling, which he only ever calls from his cell phone not the home phone.  She was surprised it was me apparently.  So this is what I said "I'm calling because even though I don't know what I've said or done to upset you and Dad I would like to say I'm sorry."  She told me that I'm supposed to apologize to my husband because I made some comment about his job at some point.  Again, WITAF?   More importantly my father-in-law doesn't ever want to see me again.  Then the bitch hung up on me.  I am 53 years old and am more of a grown up, but I lost it.  I did throw the house phone at the fireplace and one of my 3 cappuccino mugs got chucked across the kitchen and broke.  Phone is fine and I cleaned up the kitchen. 

I called my mom who's 89 and has a bigger heart than her mouth lets on sometimes but I can always bawl to her and as her child she loves and supports me.  When I got off the phone with her I took a deep breath, forgave Christine for her horrendous behavior, and moved along in my day.  I don't understand hate. Anger and grudges only sap the energy of the one who's feeling them so I don't see a point in them.  I wish more people understood that.  

Now I just have to deal with my husband.  Unfortunately my youngest son sent a text to tell him that I had spoken to Christine and it didn't go well.  I really wish he hadn't but I understand why he did.  This does not look like it's going to be a pleasant evening.  I may be homeless again very soon because I get the distinct feeling that he knew all along what was going on.  We'll see.

21 Replies

Julie focus on what you can control!!  minihorses


I am sorry that this is an ongoing issue with you and your in-laws.  You have no control of other peoples, actions, thoughts or opinions, not even your husbands.   When you react to their actions, they are in control of you.    Many have indicated you should let it go. I pray that you will find some peace.  Focus on yourself to learn and grow from the experience. 



I think you are a wonderful person.  I hate ignorant people and it sounds like they really are.  They sound twisted but you are right to be angry, and I sure don't blame you for tossing that coffee mug.  I would have too.  I am so glad you came here to share your feelings and not smoke.  I think you shouldn't let it eat at you.  Your husband was wrong not to back you up.  I hope you can let it go now, and let him take care of his Dad and Christine.  I have had some issues with my own Dad since he got home from hospital and he loves me and I love him.  Family situations are complicated, I hope things work out with your husband.  Let it be, Let it be, Let it be.


I'm pretty sure there's more going on here than anyone is telling me about.  It's hard to get much by me but it doesn't matter.

My husband went down for his visit yesterday.  I ALMOST sent him a text saying that I wanted him to tell his dad that I love him no matter what he thinks of me.  Instead of hitting send I hit delete.  He hasn't offered up anything about the visit and the only thing I asked him was if he wanted dinner or did they go out to lunch.  If they ever acknowledge me and say I could come visit my answer will be "Thank you, but no.  I choose to not associate with people who have no decency in their treatment of other people."  The weird thing is that I dreamt that Christine called and said she appreciated that I 'did what I was told' by apologizing to my husband (which I actually did) that I could now have one visit.  It was a dream and I STILL wouldn't tell her to f-off!  I'm pathetic I swear. 

As far as our boys not seeing their grandfather that is ALL on him/them.  These are the only grandchildren on my husband's side.  The only two to carry on the family last name.  They spent every holiday up in Connecticut with her daughter's family.  Those grandkids were better than mine apparently.  I quit asking about coming for a holiday after a while.  Besides, once they retired they travelled the world for years.


I'm sending up good thoughts and prayers for you strength and peace of mind XO.....





You're are certainly not horrible.  You here to support all of us!    It sounds to me the real pain is coming more from "what's up" with your husbands role in this.  Hmm...  I always felt that we love family, but we don't have to like them.  Know that you've tried many times and can't change them.  You have no reason to put yourself down--it's their loss.



Change your title..."Why are THEY so horrible?"


I would but they're not worth my time to even do that! 


I know it hurts but they are so not worth your time. Please don’t let them hurt you anymore. You are a dear sweet person. It’s their loss.