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Give and get support around quitting


Why am I so afraid if it's something good for me?

The only time I have successfully quit was when I was pregnant. I stopped and didn't start again for 3 years. Now my child is 10. I've been smoking since I was 10 and I'm 41 now. I went to the doctor yesterday and it turns out that if I don't stop smoking, there is an infection that my body won't be able to fight off. So it makes sense to stop. Not only for me, but for my child again, and I am afraid of withdrawls. I'm not a very happy person to begin with and I'm afraid that if I don't have cigarettes, then I won't be able to handle life on life's terms. I quit hard drugs and have been for 11 years. It's easier for me to stay away from drugs than cigarettes.

Right now all the reasons to smoke are like vapor. Nothing is sticking. I'm not sure life will get any better. I'm already depressed and suicidal (I see a councelor for that). Will stopping smoking help that?

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1 Reply

have you tried the electronic cigs?? that has helped me tremendosly and now im on day 13!! 🙂

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