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Why am I feeling so down?

Its been awhile since I last posted anything but it wasn't because I relapsed. I've been doing very well actually, still not smoking and I have 20 days under my belt. So why all of a sudden am I sad and missing the stupid cigarettes? I have no desire to actually smoke. I remind myself that I don't do that anymore and I don't want to smell like an ashtray and I have to believe they would taste horrible at this point, so what is the deal? Has anyone else felt this and if so please tell me when it will go away?!

11 Replies

All Excellent responses.  I got an education as well.  I also want to echo want Nancy said about a hit of dopamine by exercising.  You will feel much better.

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     If all I did in quitting cigarettes was to give up a habit, I would have moved on without much notice of the change. But because nicotine causes a severe addiction for almost all smokers, I didn't just stop smoking-- I had to relearn life without the cigarettes. Early on and as weeks passed by, I missed my old life more. I attached cigarette smoking to every hour of my days before I quit. Adjusting to life without smoking felt awkward and weird, but time smoke free added up and began to outweigh my memory of smoking. 

    Keep working your quit---coming here is one way you did that!!! High five for 20!