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Give and get support around quitting


Why am I afraid to give up two cigarettes?

My quit date is March 23rd.  In the beginning of March my non-smoking sister suggested that I pick a time each day that I would absolutely not smoke for example driving my car.   I chose all day all night that I would not smoke.  Since March 9th I have two cigarettes in the morning and then I don’t smoke all day all night. In the 10 days that I’ve been doing this I had one slip up and smoked a ciggarette in the evening. I am using the patch. I put it on after the two cigarettes in the morning.  I am really freaking out over the thought of giving up those two cigarettes in the morning.  I am more fearful of giving those two cigarettes up then I am not smoking all day all night how crazy is that? Any suggestions?

117 Replies

Thank you for your advice.  Patch on first thing!  Also, I have a non-smoking friend picking me up to hit a few garage sales tomorrow morning.  The one or two cigarettes that I have been having in the morning not helped me.  I have had a bit more of a difficult time with  craving up until about noon.  The afternoons have been better.  I am hoping that eliminating them all together tomorrow will make things easier not more difficult.  Thank you!


I've done this before smoke 2-3 cigarettes a day I would be back to a pack a day before the week was out. For me the only way to stop was to quit altogether.  My quits that have lasted any considerable amount of time is when I quit cold turkey.  I stopped once by using the patch for 1 day then I went cold turkey for the remainder of the quit.  As many times I have quit this is my 5th quit you would think I would be a pro but each time is just as hard as the first.   I advocate going cold turkey because this way has worked best for me.  But for anyone I say do whatever you feel is best for you.  But you definitely have to give up those 2 cigarettes why wait til the 23rd surprise yourself that you can be strong. That you can do this I think once you get over day one the hardest part has been done.  Of coarse you are just starting withdrawl but to me day one is the hardest once you het over that you can keep the quit going if you really want it bad enough


My sister said the same thing "why wait" until the 23rd.   I told her that I found comfort in the plan and commitment that I made to myself and thought it was in my best interest to carry out the original plan. I have no cigarettes now, no ashtrays and just learned I should trash any lighters lying around.  I do not want to have to do this quit thing again.  I read some comments and people say that it gets even harder the second or third time.  This was hard enough for me.  I quit.  As of about 6:30 am this morning I am a nonsmoker.  Thank you for your input.


Lots and lots of info Sek4110.  You sound strong and excited in your responses.  I think you're ready.  

If you haven't taken the time already go to back to the top of your blog to JACKIE1-25-15 response and do the recommended reading.  This reading will make your quit easier.  Yes.  EASIER. 

Also read JonesCarpeDiem welcome package.  You will be glad you did!!!!!!!!!


I will take all of this advice and read these articles


I certainly do hope that you feel supported...we really do care and we really want you to succeed.  We will share what has worked for us and we will be here if you need help.  You can do this...the suggestion for changing furniture around is absolutely necessary, your smoking place needs to become your place of peace and health.  It will grow on you.



Thank you Ellen.  The support is wonderful! 


Congrats,,you can do it....I did and what helped me the most is I just quit buying them then you dont have the 2 to smoke.Also this website..good luck !!!!


tracy.29‌ SO TRUE...get RID of any of them and get rid of anything that reminds you of ashtrays, no lighters.  Make it so you have to go to the store for a cigarette...that really is effective.



Hmmm....  I saved a few lighters in case I might need one for some reason.  OK in the trash they go!  There are no cigarettes in the house.