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Give and get support around quitting


Who has gained 30 pounds?

Oh my, I quit smoking February 15th , I dont have cravings I honestly never want to smoke again. The problem is I was working out ,on a strict diet since the moment I stopped smoking 4 months later I have gained 30 pounds . I feel doomed , I feel like I am being punished for quitting smoking. I was losing weight at first ,but it just came to a stand still after 10 pounds lost. Yes ,I ate junk just like I did before I quit smoking but was able to lose 23 pounds because I was strict most of the time but if i eat junk now  i gain 5 pounds even though I'm very strict  . Who has had this problem? Does anyone know how long it takes for your body to regulate. Quit smoking ,you can do it is what everyone says ,but what about the support for the effects of quitting , gaining weight has depressed me to the point of crying and not wanting to leave the house  falling into a depression that I just cant get out of ,does anyone else feel this way? The only difference I feel from quitting smoking is a big fat body that I am stuck with . Although I'm sure there are benefits I just dont see them right now. Please know this is not a reason to start smoking again and I know that and have no plans to start again, I just need to resolve this weight thing so I can be proud of quitting ,at this point, I'm not all.Sorry to be so negative, these are real feelings that I have been having and any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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23 Replies

This is an old post.  Since that was posted,  I kept gaining weight.  I year into my quit I decided something wasn't right so I contacted my doctor.   I had developed hyperthyroidism.  It can be a side effect of quitting smoking after the 1st or 2nd year of quitting.  Have not been able to lose weigh since.




I also triggered hyperthyroidism (Grave's Disease) when I quit smoking 16 years ago.  It has since gone into remission.  The endocrynologist I was seeing was a complete dick, so I stopped going and don't take any medication.

I have been worried that I would trigger another episode with this quit, but so far, so good.  Gaining weight, but I don't have the other issues.

I have no advise; I'm in the same boat and have struggled with weight ever since.  The only way I have dropped a pound was with very low-carb diets.  I tend to crave sugar and binge on sugar, so going low carb actually worked for me.

I feel your pain


Keep the Quit

Typo.  I've done that before (my finger just keeps wanting to hit that "e") . Ugh!  I have hypothryroidism and it can occur with quitting smoking.  I didn't realize it could go into remission, that's when I realized I typed the incorrect condition.

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I have it too now, and it is a whole new world after smoking!  The medicine causes me to sweat terribly whenever I try to do anything.  I am being monitored regularly!  Still nothing that would ever make me pick up smoking again though!   I still love being free!