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Give and get support around quitting


Where to post

Is this where I should post? I haven't seen much response here since quitting yesterday. I had 2 people come to my page, but otherwise no replies to things I have posted.
Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day, but today I am on edge. I wouldn't even leave at lunch because I didn't trust myself to not stop at the store and buy a pack. I have a massive headache, and am working 2 jobs today.
I am sorry to gripe/complain, but I want to know if I can count on somebody answering my posts when I am in distress.
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21 Respuestas

Hey Myssi, I just read about you chewing on toothpick and another option is cinnamon sticks, and also drinking straws cut to cig length have helped a lot of people...sorry you didn't get much response yesterday, glad you posted here today...good luck, you will do great, just hang in there it really does get easier...
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Hey Myssi, I just read about you chewing on toothpick and another option is cinnamon sticks, and also drinking straws cut to cig length have helped a lot of people...sorry you didn't get much response yesterday, glad you posted here today...good luck, you will do great, just hang in there it really does get easier...
0 Kudos

i am so sorry that you feel so uptight, i know exactly how you feel, this will pass, just do not give in, take a deep breath and know that we are behind you and know what you are feeling. if we do not respond when you post tell us in the post that you need help and i can promise you that some one will respond. there are so many of us now, it is hard to keep up, we will be there peace!
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Sorry Myssi!!!! I was at the lake all day yesterday. I know, I suck, you are working two jobs and I am basking in the sun. Sorry you're having a hard time....keep it'll get through. When you're "on the edge", know that you are not alone.

fyi - when you go to "my page" and click the post a blog link, then you've posted ON your blog and to the main page.
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HI Barbara,

I am doing ok really, just those overwhelming feelings that come over me some times. I posted yesterday in my group and did not get one reply and I guess I let that get to. So I am trying to figure out where to go when I need serious help.
Thanks for your response! Have a wonderful smokefree day!
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Oh not that is mean!!! LOL just kidding! The craves are not anything I can't handle it just really bothered me that I posted about it being my first day yesterday in my "group" and did not get even one reply. Which creates those bad feelings and thoughts.

thanks for the fyi, I need all that I can get! LOL

One day, 6 hours, 23 minutes and 20 seconds. 25 cigarettes not smoked, saving $4.43. Life saved: 2 hours, 5 minutes.
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Thanks for responding. I did join a couple of groups and one of those is where I did not get a single reply about my quit day yesterday. Thankfully this is not the only site I go to so I do have support, but it is frustrating anyway. Yes, I am going cold turkey, have tried patches and chantix before, can't chew gum. Oh I am taking wellbutrin (bupropion) too for the mood swings and have anxiety pills to help me sleep. Just finding the time to sleep! LOL
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Thanks Chris,

I guess instead of posting in the forum I should just send out a message to my friends. I am doing okay really, just some mood swings and things that irritate me that wouldn't usually. I will go up and except your friendship now.
Thanks for listening!
One day, 6 hours, 33 minutes and 44 seconds. 25 cigarettes not smoked, saving $4.46. Life saved: 2 hours, 5 minutes.
0 Kudos

Thanks Chris! Being stuck in the office doesn't leave me much choice on what to do. Work and come online. At the other job, it is deli work so I will be busy the whole time. I do have a toothpick that I am chewing on pretty hard and I have a box of 1000 so plenty of them to chew on! LOL
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