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When to set my quit date.

Today is day 7 of separation from triggers. Now that I know them and have been successful in waiting 5-10 minutes, should I set my quit date? I want to follow this program so well that I will succeed. I had thought my quit date would be 6/28/, but that leaves only 1 more week of separaation. And, there are still times that its hard to wait. I think that now I need to come up with activities that will work once I quit. My main concern is at work when I am so stressed out a lot of the time. What would be good alternatives when I am climbing the wall to want one? Also, please suggest what worked for you when you quit. What did you do instead of smoking?
God Bless you guys. You are so helpful.
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I never really set a quit date I just told myself this was the last pack of cigarettes I was ever going to buy, so I dragged that pack out for almost a week, then on May 21st I had my last puff on a cigarette after 35 years. I have never quit before but something inside told me it was time. I drank lots of water had mints and straws and started walking and running to move oxygen into my lungs (which actually felt really good) I had a few really bad days that I wanted a cigarette so bad but I would just walk and keep moving and that seemed to help. I saw that people who never smoked handled stress without a cigarette why couldn't I? Luckily here smokers have to go outside so I am not exposed to the smell which helps with the desire. I think the mind set is the strongest link for quitting if the mind is there you can do anything.
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