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When do you feel like a non-smoker?

A question occurred to me while ready RoseH's blog on Hell week this morning.  When do you start to feel like a non-smoker rather than smoker that is depriving ones self of nicotine?  Probably a gradual thing, but any insight would be helpful as I would like to see a glimpse of that life.

-George (Day 12)

13 Replies

Great post....probably exactly what I needed to hear.

Thanks, George

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Glad you found it useful.  This whole quitting thing is a learning process.  When you see it that way, take it as a positive challenge rather than an onerous task, it almost becomes fun!  lol  One of the times I quit in the past I put a note on my door going outside that read:  "What am I supposed to learn today?"  It helped me change the way I approached the day psychologically.  It's also a great way to change your mindset from a negative experience of an event into a positive one.  "What am I supposed to learn from this experience?"  What are the "powers that be" trying to teach me?


I can't remember exactly when it happened but I started to notice that I did not think of smoking when things happened that would have sent me running for a smoke.  The first time it happened, it stunned me and then it started happening more and more.  I really think I knew I would not smoke again because my quit was based on how sick I was, I still deal every day with the damage I did by smoking.  I used to say I am an EX smoker because I did not think I could be a NON smoker if I had ever, after more than 6 1/2 years smoke free, I don't think about it unless I am specifically asked if I ever at a doctor's appointment.

It takes time but it is worth every minute of that time and then some.



I understand 'Non-smoker' is one who never smoked. 

If your question is about to feel comfortable when smoke free... not missing cigarette, and you are really really back to normal... would be as the days are gone (without smoking), you gain more confidence, and feel that you have become independent of nicotine. No slavery. and that would be winning time.

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