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Give and get support around quitting


What strategies help you deal with doubt?

Hi. I've set my quit date and have two weeks to go. Counting my cigarettes has really helped and I realised I was smoking more than I thought. Problem is that as I get nearer to the big day I've started rationalising setting the date back. I know from experience if I do that then it'll be another several months before I try again. Some of my excuses have been very creative up to and including 'why quit, you've probably done the damage already so what could you possibly gain?'.

It'd be useful to hear if anyone else has had this and what sort of strategies you have used to help deal with the seductive little arguments that pop up in your head to convince you to keep smoking a bit longer. 

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29 Replies

Shoot, Finchie1‌ I was all over the map I think I had every negative emotion toward myself possible, IT WAS NOT HELPFUL!! I got right back on it and the positivity started to grow again. I miss the # 519 which is just silly, I still have everything else.

Think positive, don't even think about relapsing just keep moving forward and you will be just fine! Educate yourself, be willing to do whatever it takes not to smoke, be determined and have commitment!‌ is a great place to strengthen your commitment! If you have any questions just shoot me a message and I will try to help.   ~Terrie~

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It really helps to see others that have made it and have gone through EXACTLY what I am now.  I have built a great Fleetwood Mac station on Pandora.  I have been listening to music ALOT!! I love it.  So that either makes me sit and think about the changes I am making, positive and negative(so my brain says), or get up and do something with my headphones on.  It gets hard for me to stay positive when I start getting into that little depression part.  I guess this is one of those time where you see what you are made of huh?


The busier I stay, the less I think about it!

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Hi, there, and welcome!  The only excuse buster I have is that I really, really wanted to Quit - was so sick of being what you call a "secret smoker" that I knew even if all the damage was done, at least I could spend my last days (drama queen, much) out of the smoking dungeon, breathing free and clean air!

I also made a list of why I want to quit, made it tiny, pasted here and there where I would see it.  I read Carr's book, though after my Quit date, and came to believe that I wasn't giving up anything, and was Gaining everything.  I worked the site, tracking cigarettes, coming up with alternatives to smoking, etc., you will get all the same advice, I'm sure.  Believe in yourself, that You Can Do This, and you will.

Welcome to EX!


Preparation helped me so much, I tracked cigarettes and made plans for what I would do instead of smoking and I rated the did I REALLY want that cigarette and could I go without it.  I also asked myself what would change if I smoked.  Would I be less angry, less sad, would my physical pain disappear, what GOOD would come from smoking.  I was never able to come up with an acceptable answer to smoke...I so wanted this to be my "Forever Quit" and now I can say that it is!  You can say it the preparation and absolutely do not push the date back.  

Welcome to EX.



Thank you Elvan. I'm almost through day one!! I prepared quite a bit over the past few months. Not as you had but this site is what is helping me the most. I haven't shared with family and friends as I've quit so many times that I was just embarrassed. So many of my friends don't even know I smoked. Did you catch that? Smoked. Yay!! I'm staying with Ex and am so grateful for the support!!

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I KNOW I would not have made it without this community, it is magical, you still have to do the homework and put up with some of the not so small stuff but it gets better and better.  I have THREE YEARS after 47 years of smoking!  I am so proud of you and so happy for you, I promise you that if you stick around and follow the advice of the people here, you will not regret it for one minute.  I am going to "follow" you so that we can private message should that ever become something you want to do.  It is my understanding that you have to follow me as well in order for us to communicate that way.


Thank you so much!! I agree!! I need EX to do this and it was the missing

piece my last failed attempts. I will follow you also but don't yet know

how to private message someone. Laura

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:58 AM, elvan <>

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WelcomeTo EX.  You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth.  This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smokefree.

 Start First, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links   and

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to the home click on About EX tab and get started. We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom.

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Thanks Jackie!!❤

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